Citizen Letter to CA Senator DeSaulnier regarding SB375 and SB1

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Let­ter sent via email to Cal­i­for­nia State Sen­a­tor Mark DeSaulnier (7th Dis­trict) regard­ing SB375 and SB1, July 17, 2013:

Sen­a­tor DeSaulnier,

As co-author of both of these hor­ren­dous bills you should be ashamed of your­self. Why are you attack­ing sub­ur­ban and rur­al pri­vate prop­er­ty own­ers? Why are you push­ing for unelect­ed, unac­count­able region­al bod­ies to dic­tate local land use poli­cies and allow, through your lat­est bill, the des­ig­na­tion of blight be “inef­fi­cient land use.” The role of gov­ern­ment is to pro­tect life, lib­er­ty and prop­er­ty. These bills are a direct attack on all three and you sir should be dri­ven out of office for sell­ing out your con­stituents. I am well aware of your roll in ABAG, the Com­pact for a Sus­tain­able Bay Area and have exten­sive­ly researched your efforts to push for a region­al­ist takeover of local gov­ern­ments. You can’t pre­tend to care about your con­stituents and at the same time throw them under the bus.

There is a large coali­tion (over 40 bi-par­ti­san groups) form­ing in oppo­si­tion to the One Bay Area (SB375) sham of a plan you co-authored and the SB1 is yet anoth­er exam­ple of your dis­dain for the res­i­dents of Con­tra Cos­ta Coun­ty and oth­er small Bay Area cities and towns.

The One Bay Area plan will fail and so will your attempt to destroy our com­mu­ni­ties. And your name will for­ev­er be tied to this mess. The peo­ple of the Bay Area are NOT going to allow you or any oth­er pompous elect­ed offi­cial to ruin our towns.

You work for us… remem­ber that!

Heather Gass

Heather Gass