Humane Society of the United States (HSUS) Steals Land by Exploiting Animals and People

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Humane Soci­ety of the Unit­ed States (HSUS) …I am SCREAMING at this interview…this is UNREEEEALLL and the Cal­i­for­nia ties… to Agen­da 21, pri­vate prop­er­ty take over, local politi­cians, Mau­rice Strong, and more…unreal!!!
‑Deb­bie Baci­galupi  (

Here are links to two radio shows on the Humane Soci­ety of the Unit­ed States.

Week 1 with Diane Amble — July 8, 2012:
<> H$U$, The Mob and The Black Egg — Part 1

Week 2 with Diane Amble and Karen Strange — July 15, 2012:
<> H$U$, The Mob and The Black Egg — Part 2
HSUS and the links stretch beyond Doris Day Ani­mal League

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