Baldwin County Alabama Commissioner Seeks to Rescind Horizon 2025 Plan

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Hori­zon 2025: The Bald­win Coun­ty Com­pre­hen­sive Plan 2008–2025 is a 310-page doc­u­ment that was approved by the Coun­ty in 2009, and reg­u­lates human activ­i­ty includ­ing trans­porta­tion as well as the use of pri­vate, pub­lic, and com­mer­cial lands.  Hori­zon 2025 is an Agen­da 21 plan. The word­ing and details of Hori­zon 2025 are vague and it is unclear to what extent scarce pub­lic funds will be used in enforce­ment of this plan.  In view of the exten­sive col­lab­o­ra­tion with local, state, and fed­er­al bureau­cra­cies called for by Hori­zon 2025, it is cer­tain that unelect­ed offi­cials will be exer­cis­ing even more con­trol of prop­er­ty use in Bald­win Coun­ty, Alaba­ma.  Hori­zon 2025 is a mas­sive land grab.  Bald­win Coun­ty Com­mis­sion­er Frank Burt shares a brochure high­light­ing exam­ples:  Rescind Hori­zon 2025 Brochure

The Bald­win Coun­ty Com­mis­sion set a pub­lic hear­ing on August 7, 2012 at the Bald­win Coun­ty Admin­is­tra­tion Build­ing at 8:30 am to con­sid­er Res­o­lu­tion #2012–075 that “will repeal, rescind, void and nul­li­fy the Hori­zon 2025: The Bald­win Coun­ty Com­pre­hen­sive Plan 2008–2025.”

Relat­ed Sto­ry:  Bald­win Coun­ty’s Com­pre­hen­sive Plan Vot­ed Down and All But Shout­ed Down