Sheriff Shoots Real Estate Agent as She Shows House, then Walks Away because “He’s the Sheriff”

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Clayton County Sheriff, Victor Hill

Clay­ton Coun­ty Sher­iff, Vic­tor Hill

Gwin­nett Coun­ty, GA — Clay­ton Coun­ty Sher­iff, Vic­tor Hill, has not been charged with a crime and was allowed to leave the scene after shoot­ing a woman in the stom­ach on Sunday.

Accord­ing to Gwin­nett Coun­ty Police Sgt. Bri­an Doan, Hill acci­den­tal­ly shot a woman at a mod­el home locat­ed at 2567 Britt Trail Dri­ve in Lawrenceville at around 7 p.m. Sunday.

The woman Hill shot is in crit­i­cal con­di­tion at Gwin­nett Med­ical Cen­ter. She was the real estate agent who was show­ing the home. How some­one can “acci­den­tal­ly” shoot a woman as she shows a house remains a mystery.

When police arrived on the scene they said Hill refused to coop­er­ate with the inves­ti­ga­tion and did not give a state­ment nor answer any ques­tions. Cit­ing the fact that he was the sher­iff, Hill sim­ply left the scene.

Let that sink in.

This man shot and may have killed a woman as she was show­ing a house to two poten­tial home-buy­ers. He gives no rea­son as to why or how he shot her and sim­ply leaves.

Put the aver­age cit­i­zen in Hill’s shoes and con­tem­plate the mul­ti­ple sce­nar­ios unfold­ing as police arrive on the scene. None of those sce­nar­ios end with the shoot­er walk­ing away from police and liv­ing to talk about it.

As pro­test­ers take to the streets around the coun­try, many peo­ple are still left won­der­ing where that anger orig­i­nates. Well, this inci­dent epit­o­mizes that anger.

There are two “jus­tice” sys­tems in this coun­try; one for the rul­ing class and one for every­one else.

Pri­or to the sher­iff cross­ing paths with this woman she was alive and well, and now she is not. Regard­less of intent, a woman’s life is on the line and it’s only because of this man. At the very least, he should be charged with neg­li­gence, and at most, attempt­ed or actu­al mur­der. And, had he been an aver­age cit­i­zen, he would have been.

To top this off, Hill was re-elect­ed to his posi­tion as sher­iff while he was fac­ing 37 charges of cor­rup­tion. After his re-elec­tion, he was acquit­ted on all charges.

The jury acquit­ted him after Hill claimed he had the right to use coun­ty vehi­cles, cred­it cards and take plea­sure trips with for­mer female employ­ees, includ­ing to gam­bling casi­nos, because he was sher­iff 24/7, 365 days a year and was always on call.
