Lawsuit to Stop One Bay Area Needs New Financial Sponsors

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Rosa Koire of The Post Sus­tain­abil­i­ty Insti­tute and Democ­rats Against U.N. Agen­da 21 and Michael Shaw of and, filed suit seek­ing the nega­tion of ABAG’s One Bay Area (OBA) $300 bil­lion dol­lar plan to remake the San Fran­cis­co Bay Area. The OBA pro­gram is the pro­to­type Agen­da 21 restruc­ture of local gov­ern­ment to change how Amer­i­cans are expect­ed to live. This well strate­gized law­suit was devel­oped and argued by Sacra­men­to attor­ney Tim­o­thy Kas­souni. The action lost in Cal­i­for­nia Supe­ri­or Court in what appears to have been a pre­de­ter­mined outcome.

A Notice of Appeal has been filed, but fund­ing has not been secured. New fund­ing will be nec­es­sary to car­ry the lit­i­ga­tion for­ward. A glob­al­ist vic­to­ry in the Bay Area will result in a sweep­ing tide through­out the U.S., lead­ing to world gov­ern­ment. If you can come to the res­cue and want to dis­cuss assump­tion of this essen­tial lit­i­ga­tion, you can con­tact Shaw at [email protected] or (831) 684‑2232, or Kas­souni at [email protected] or (916) 930‑0030.

You may review the court his­to­ry of the lit­i­ga­tion at