Medical mafia calling for gunpoint quarantines of citizens who refuse vaccinations

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Fed­er­al offi­cials want to order a quar­an­tine for a South Pasade­na woman and grad stu­dent whose sis­ter recent­ly con­tract­ed a case of measles at near­by Dis­ney­land, but she is resist­ing the push because, she says, she does­n’t have the disease.

Twen­ty-six-year-old Ylsa Tellez’s younger sis­ter, 24-year-old Mau­ra Tellez, was one of more than two dozen con­firmed cas­es of measles recent­ly at the renowned amuse­ment part, but Ylsa is not one of them, the local ABC affil­i­ate, ABC7, reports.

As of this writ­ing, Ylsa said she feels fine and has no symp­toms of the dis­ease. Nev­er­the­less, days after her sis­ter was diag­nosed, Ylsa got a call from the Cen­ters for Dis­ease Con­trol and Pre­ven­tion and then a vis­it from the local health depart­ment, both of whom sought to con­vince her to self-quarantine.

(They were) say­ing I need to get vac­ci­nat­ed and I need to be quar­an­tined, oth­er­wise I’m going to go to jail or some­thing, or I’m going to get a mis­de­meanor,” Ylsa told the local ABC affil­i­ate, adding that she decid­ed instead against becom­ing a pris­on­er insid­er her own home — though a quar­an­tine order may be in the off­ing.“I’m just a lit­tle upset”

Ylsa’s moth­er has come to her daugh­ter’s defense.

It’s not nice when my daugh­ter is threat­ened like this because she’s not even sick,” Myr­na Tellez told ABC7.

How­ev­er, and right on cue, pub­lic health offi­cials say there is every rea­son for peo­ple to be concerned.

Measles is one of the most high­ly com­mu­ni­ca­ble infec­tions that we know of, so any sus­cep­ti­ble indi­vid­ual who is with­in close prox­im­i­ty to some­body with measles will prob­a­bly get infect­ed,” Dr. Jill Hoff­man with Chil­dren’s Hos­pi­tal Los Ange­les told the local news team.

But Ylsa said she was cur­rent­ly tak­ing sup­ple­ments aimed at boost­ing her immune sys­tem and that she planned to speak to a physi­cian soon to decide whether or not she will get a measles vaccine.

I’m just a lit­tle upset because if there are so many cas­es of peo­ple that got the shot who also devel­oped measles, then why are they attack­ing me specif­i­cal­ly?” said Ylsa. “I don’t think it’s nec­es­sary for me to be on house arrest.”

ABC7 fur­ther reported:

The fam­i­ly received a form from the Los Ange­les Coun­ty Depart­ment of Health Ser­vices, and it’s a request for legal inter­ven­tion. It men­tions a home quar­an­tine, with no school or work until Jan. 29.

In the end, Ylsa may not have much choice, unfor­tu­nate­ly. In July 2014, Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma signed an expand­ed ver­sion of a pre­vi­ous Exec­u­tive Order as the Ebo­la out­break wors­ened in West Africa revis­ing a list of quar­an­tinable com­mu­ni­ca­ble dis­eases. Added to the pre­vi­ous orders of 2003 and 2005 is this passage:

(b) Severe acute res­pi­ra­to­ry syn­dromes, which are dis­eases that are asso­ci­at­ed with fever and signs and symp­toms of pneu­mo­nia or oth­er res­pi­ra­to­ry ill­ness, are capa­ble of being trans­mit­ted from per­son to per­son, and that either are caus­ing, or have the poten­tial to cause, a pan­dem­ic, or, upon infec­tion, are high­ly like­ly to cause mor­tal­i­ty or seri­ous mor­bid­i­ty if not prop­er­ly con­trolled. This sub­sec­tion does not apply to influenza.

Ylsa may have no legal choice

As the Alliance for Nat­ur­al Health notes in a Jan­u­ary 13 post, that order could mean per­sons may be quar­an­tined by the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment if they were exposed to cer­tain cov­ered com­mu­ni­ca­ble dis­eases but aren’t actu­al­ly sick yet.

Such quar­an­tines could be car­ried out via the Pub­lic Health Ser­vice Act, which “allows the gov­ern­ment to appre­hend and detain indi­vid­u­als based on com­mu­ni­ca­ble dis­eases named in the Act, or named by pres­i­den­tial exec­u­tive orders,” the Alliance said.

This is a broad pow­er, as not­ed by the CDC.

In addi­tion to serv­ing as med­ical func­tions, iso­la­tion and quar­an­tine also are ‘police pow­er’ func­tions, derived from the right of the state to take action affect­ing indi­vid­u­als for the ben­e­fit of soci­ety,” the fed­er­al health agency says in a report[PDF] on its legal authority.
