Why Anita Hoge Needs to Testify Before Congress

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Charlotte Thomson IserbytEvery Amer­i­can needs to hear what Ani­ta Hoge said on the Rense Radio inter­view Fri­day night.…Anita_Hoge NWV

What we found in con­tracts we requested
was that Penn­syl­va­nia was the model
to cre­ate a nation­al I.D.
for every per­son in the Unit­ed States,
start­ing at birth; 
they called it a womb to work­place database 
and it includes every individual.…

[They said] “We are going to start
when that child is born.
We want to be sure to attach wages
because we want to know your worth
— human capital — 
your worth to society.”

What they said they were cre­at­ing was 
a “psy­cho­me­t­ric dossier”… 
What they were doing is 
cre­at­ing a “new census” 
(that’s their words).

~Ani­ta Hoge,
Inter­view on Rense radio show,
Fri­day Jan. 30, 2015.
http://rense.gsradio.net:8080/rense/special/rense_Iserbyt_Hoge_013015.mp3Anita Activist AlertEvery leg­is­la­tor in Wash­ing­ton needs to hear Ani­ta speak.
If they won’t invite her to testify 
we should demand that they play this radio inter­view at their hearings.