Houston Man Arrested for Video Recording Cop on Private Property

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Footage shows offi­cer imme­di­ate­ly hand­cuff man for not obey­ing order

houston-cop-arrests-man-filming-on-private-property-600x346Amidst a nation­al debate about police bru­tal­i­ty, anoth­er video has emerged of a police offi­cer arrest­ing some­one for video record­ing, this time on his own friend’s pri­vate property.

The footage out of Hous­ton, Texas is all the more shock­ing because the cop doesn’t even try to de-esca­late the sit­u­a­tion but imme­di­ate­ly resorts to mak­ing the arrest because the indi­vid­ual, Michael Gard­ner, refused to instant­ly obey his orders.

Offi­cer Hoang of the Har­ris Coun­ty Sheriff’s Office was respond­ing to a 911 call made by one of the res­i­dents at the property.

The man in the chair could have hin­dered this sit­u­a­tion when he told him to “lis­ten to the offi­cer,” how­ev­er Gard­ner tells the Free Thought Project that this man was not the prop­er­ty own­er and was not the per­son that gave Gard­ner per­mis­sion to be there.”

The clip shows the offi­cer approach Gardner’s friend before ask­ing Gard­ner, “Is there a rea­son why you’re record­ing this?” to which Gard­ner responds, “Yes, but I don’t answer questions.”

OK, you need to leave,” orders Hoang, to which Gard­ner responds, “I’m on pri­vate property.”

The cop repeats the order for Gard­ner to leave, claim­ing he is inter­fer­ing despite being a sig­nif­i­cant dis­tance away.

I’m just video record­ing it for safe­ty pur­pos­es, sir,” states Gard­ner, before Offi­cer Hoang approach­es him.

The offi­cer imme­di­ate­ly goes to hand­cuff Gard­ner as he exclaims, “I’m not doing any­thing! This is ille­gal! High­ly illegal!”

Accord­ing to a sub­se­quent Face­book post by Gard­ner about the inci­dent, he was tak­en to jail but was sub­se­quent­ly released on the order of a judge who found no prob­a­ble cause for the arrest.

Gard­ner also claims that Hoang drove at high speed while tak­ing him to prison and was tex­ting while dri­ving.

I had my rights vio­lat­ed and I need help from all my friends,” wrote Gard­ner, ask­ing that the video clip go viral.

Despite the fact that legal prece­dent and law clear­ly dic­tates that it is not ille­gal to film police nor does record­ing police con­sti­tute inter­fer­ing in their activ­i­ty, Amer­i­cans con­tin­ue to be arrest­ed for doing so.