The Bogeyman has entered the nursery

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COVER121414More fright­en­ing than any­thing else:

In the night­mare world pro­gres­sives are design­ing for civ­il soci­ety, lit­tle tots are no longer your lit­tle tots.  They are gov­ern­ment-sought human resources to be raised as tomorrow’s anarchists.

On Wednes­day, the White House Sum­mit on Ear­ly Edu­ca­tion will unveil near­ly $1 bil­lion in new “invest­ments” to “expand access to high-qual­i­ty ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion to every child in Amer­i­ca” from “birth and con­tin­u­ing to age 5.” It’s a retread of Pres­i­dent Obama’s 2013 State of the Union school-spend­ing plan, which was a repack­ag­ing of his 2011 Race to the Top — Ear­ly Learn­ing Chal­lenge pro­gram.” (Michelle Malkin, ‘Wel­come to Tot­Care: Obama’s preschool takeover’, Dec. 10, 2014)

It’s no longer a mat­ter of anybody’s guess, but on paper “every child in Amer­i­ca” from “birth and con­tin­u­ing to age 5”.

If that choke­hold on chil­dren is not Hit­ler­ian, then what is?

Those Oba­ma ini­tia­tives are knock­offs of moldy-old Demo­c­ra­t­ic pol­i­cy chest­nuts, such as for­mer Vice Pres­i­dent Al Gore’s push to fund preschool for all 3‑year-olds at a cost to tax­pay­ers of at least $50 bil­lion over 10 years, left-wing actor/director Rob Reiner’s “I Am Your Child” cam­paign for uni­ver­sal preschool and child care, and Hillary Clinton’s var­i­ous “It Takes a Vil­lage” schemes to expand Head Start from womb to work. With age comes fief­dom.” (Malkin).

Take away the tin­kling tune of the music box play­ing at baby’s crib and the wall­pa­per with child­hood car­i­ca­tures of nurs­ery rhymes from Demo­c­ra­t­ic pol­i­cy for ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion, and all you have left is gov­ern­ment-sanc­tioned kidnapping.

Mal­con­tent mil­len­ni­als, the heart of Occu­py Wall Street

What­ev­er have pro­gres­sive gov­ern­ments done for chil­dren but over­tax their par­ents, dri­ve them out of work, and try to mould their chil­dren into their own image?

Scam artists like top envi­ron­men­tal scare mon­ger Al Gore, real life ‘Meat­head’ Rob Rein­er and the pow­er lust­ing ‘put-me-back-in-the-White House Hillary Clin­ton aim to short­en the span of soci­etal takeover by greas­ing the wheels of Marx­ism through herd­ing inno­cent pre-school­ers into the pro­gres­sive camp.

Once these inno­cent chil­dren are in hand, pro­gres­sives will read the small fry their own ver­sion of the fairy­tale.  Karl Marx and not George Wash­ing­ton will be the role mod­el.  Before going on to Grade 1 in Com­mon Core-cap­tive pub­lic schools, these chil­dren will already be repeat­ing by rote that Oba­ma and not Jesus is the Mes­si­ah.  They will be taught that the Con­sti­tu­tion is old hat; that Amer­i­ca is racist and needs to pay a nev­er-end­ing debt to the out­side world;  that all cops are bad and that gov­ern­ment and their teach­ers know bet­ter than their untrust­wor­thy parents.

In an era where Repub­li­cans, like John Boehn­er and Mitch McConnell, join Democ­rats in goose-step­ping over indi­vid­ual rights; con­trol of chil­dren from birth to age 5 is how Barack Oba­ma will make the Fun­da­men­tal Trans­for­ma­tion of Amer­i­ca a fait accompli.

There is no one oth­er than Ted Cruz and Mike Lee to try to stop him, and when they do, mem­bers of their own par­ty move in to block them.

Depress­ing and demor­al­iz­ing as it is to know that today’s chil­dren are grow­ing up under Marx­ist rule and that Marx­ism has been in the class­room for decades,  giv­ing in to despair is giv­ing up on the children.

The results of Marx­ism in the class­room could be seen last night in the tens of thou­sands of mil­len­ni­als out protest­ing on the streets of New York, Chica­go, Wash­ing­ton, Boston, Bal­ti­more, San Fran­cis­co, Los Ange­les, Oak­land, St. Peters­burg, et al.

Mal­con­tent mil­len­ni­als, the heart of Occu­py Wall Street (OWS),  left school to live shift­less lives in Mom’s base­ment.  They vot­ed Oba­ma in and work to keep him there.  They don’t want to find more mean­ing­ful work; don’t want to help sup­port their own fam­i­lies; don’t want to help oth­ers.  They live to don masks and run off to the next protest.

Torch­ing and loot­ing is fun when anonymi­ty hides who you real­ly are.

Even with the mil­len­ni­als now in full protest play, the pro­gres­sives want to go all the way back to pre-school­ers in order to make small fry the guar­an­teed anar­chists of tomorrow.

While pub­lic atten­tion is riv­et­ed on the Repub­li­cans hav­ing thrown in with the Democ­rats, politi­cians are steal­ing the chil­dren, all the way from babies who make it past abor­tion to age 5, when they’re still lit­tle sponges tak­ing it all in.

The bogey­man has made way into the child­hood nurs­ery, and par­ents don’t seem to be aware of the next hand who will be rock­ing the cradle.

Par­ents, don’t let the Oba­mas, Gores, Clin­tons and Rein­ers steal your tod­dlers’ child­hoods all for the advance of soul-rob­bing Marxism.

Babies and chil­dren are not only the joy of the world, but the hope of the world.

Don’t let your tod­dlers grow up to be the anar­chists of tomorrow

What can par­ents do?

Demand the doors be slammed shut once and for all on inno­cent-sound­ing gov­ern­ment-inspired Ear­ly Child­hood Education.

Pre­serve inno­cent lit­tle chil­dren from the cor­rod­ing dirty pol­i­tics of the adult world.

Don’t let your tod­dlers grow up to be the anar­chists of tomorrow.

Let chil­dren grow up in the peace and secu­ri­ty of parental love, where most of them are taught love of God and love of country.

It’s their only hope and your only hope.