Virginia Enacts Law To Protect Landowners From Predatory Land Trusts

Martha Bone­ta In a sting­ing repu­di­a­tion of the con­duct of a Vir­ginia envi­ron­men­tal group once viewed as polit­i­cal­ly invin­ci­ble, Gov. Ter­ry McAu­li­ffe (D) March 10 signed into law bipar­ti­san leg­is­la­tion that — for the first time — pro­vides rur­al landown­ers the means with which to defend them­selves against bul­ly­ing by land trusts. The land­mark leg­is­la­tion, […]

Morris: Obama Sneaking in ‘Unrestricted Immigration’ in TPA Trade Deal

Mon­day on New­max TV’s “America’s Forum,” polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tor Dick Mor­ris said the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPA) fast track being sup­port­ed by many Repub­li­cans has a pro­vi­sion that allows for the “free flow of work­ers” between coun­tries, essen­tial­ly cre­at­ing a back­door to “unre­strict­ed immigration.” Mor­ris said, “This is huge. I hope every­body lis­ten­ing takes action call your […]

Police Must Respect the Right of Citizens to Record Them

“I’m ask­ing all the cit­i­zens of North Charleston to con­tin­ue taping.” That is what Coun­cil­woman Dorothy Williams said in response to the shoot­ing death of Wal­ter Scott. She and oth­ers rec­og­nize that the sto­ry would have been very dif­fer­ent with­out the video show­ing that a white police offi­cer shot the unarmed black man sev­er­al times […]

Want to Record The Cops? Know Your Rights

There are some very dis­turb­ing videos cir­cu­lat­ing the Inter­net right now, depict­ing the deaths of unarmed civil­ians at the hands of trained, armed men. Many of these videos even show indi­vid­u­als being shot in the back, or as they try to flee. These are videos of police offi­cers in Amer­i­ca killing unarmed black men like Oscar […]

Testimony of Terry Backs, St. Ignatius, MT

FA Note: The pro­posed CSKT (Con­fed­er­at­ed Sal­ish and Koote­nai Tribes) Com­pact involves a lot of con­sti­tu­tion­al and legal issues, includ­ing tak­ing exist­ing off-reser­va­tion water rights from thou­sands of irri­ga­tors, fam­i­ly farms,  and oth­er legit­i­mate water rights hold­ers, and grant­i­ng them to the tribes. Below is one tes­ti­mo­ny sub­mit­ted at a leg­isla­tive hear­ing April 11 in […]

Surprised Solar Customers Find Themselves With Liens

A SORRY PURCHASE: SolarCi­ty pan­els cov­er the roof of Jeff Leeds’ home. The pan­els have been noth­ing but trou­ble, he says. Part 6 of 6 in the series SolarCity Jeff Leeds says installing SolarCity’s pan­els on the roof of his home in the North­ern Cal­i­for­nia city of El Grana­da was the sor­ri­est day of his life. Agree­ing […]

Moose Calf Mystery Solved: Too Many Wolves

Mech study shows a steep increase in wolf numbers coincided with a sharp decline in moose calf survival Some­times, no mat­ter how hard you try to avoid it, the answer to your ques­tion is star­ing you in the face. And it appears that could well be the case as it relates to the declin­ing moose […]

Floodplain Executive Order: Latest Obama Power Grab

Another illegal action unlikely to be challenged in court? Mil­lions of Amer­i­cans liv­ing and work­ing in flood­plains and oth­er low-lying areas are at acute risk of being inun­dat­ed – not by ris­ing water, but by a tidal wave of fed­er­al reg­u­la­tions – cour­tesy of the Oba­ma Administration. With pub­lic atten­tion riv­et­ed on the chaot­ic devel­op­ments in […]

WARNING!!! ESEA Reauthorization Passes Senate Committee!

BIPARTISAN NCLB FIX PASSES SENATE COMMITTEE: Mur­ray Calls for Con­tin­ued Bipar­ti­san Work to Move Bill Through Sen­ate, Get Signed into Law “(Wash­ing­ton, D.C.) – Today, the Sen­ate Health, Edu­ca­tion, Labor, and Pen­sions (HELP) Com­mit­tee passed the Every Child Achieves Act of 2015, the bipar­ti­san com­pro­mise reached by Rank­ing Mem­ber Pat­ty Mur­ray (D‑WA) and Chair­man Lamar Alexan­der […]

Deal Reached on Fast-Track Authority for Obama on Trade Accord

Before a Sen­ate Finance Com­mit­tee hear­ing on the trade pact Thurs­day: Sen­a­tor Robert Menen­dez, seat­ed at table, and stand­ing from left, Sen­a­tors Ben­jamin L. Cardin of Mary­land and Ron Wyden of Ore­gon; Trea­sury Sec­re­tary Jacob J. Lew; and Michael Fro­man, the Unit­ed States trade rep­re­sen­ta­tive. Cred­it Stephen Crowley/The New York Times           […]

The American People Aren’t Stupid Enough To Buy The Man-Made Climate Crisis Narrative

Late last year, the name Jonathan Gru­ber (pho­to left) became part of the pub­lic con­scious­ness for his new­ly pub­lic dec­la­ra­tions that Oba­macare passed due to the “stu­pid­i­ty of the Amer­i­can vot­er.” While there are many cas­es one can cite affirm­ing that most Amer­i­cans don’t close­ly fol­low pol­i­tics and/or the polit­i­cal process and, there­fore, may be called […]

Feds Push For Total Control of Property Rights: “Government is Named as the Owner of ALL the Water”

Editor’s Note: The fol­low­ing research and com­men­tary shows just how far the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment is will­ing to go. With the help of the EPA and State leg­is­la­tors they are aggres­sive­ly chip­ping away at pri­vate prop­er­ty rights in Amer­i­ca and as you’ll see from Jere­mi­ah Johnson’s report below, they are start­ing with our most pre­cious resource […]

What is Monsanto Hiding in Secret Documents?

What is Mon­san­to hid­ing in secret documents? A sci­en­tist offers shock­ing comments. “Let’s have a fed­er­al court where the judge pre­tends the lawyers for the defense are ful­ly informed about the facts of the case. The plain­tiff, a giant cor­po­ra­tion, pre­tends it’s con­cerned about the safe­ty of the pub­lic. The press pre­tends it’s cov­er­ing the […]

Colorado Legislature Isn’t Waiting For Supreme Court Decision On EPA’s Mercury Rule

Shut­ter­stock Image TIME’S A WASTIN’: Ahead of the Supreme Court deci­sion on the EPA’s Mer­cury Rule, the Col­orado Leg­is­la­ture is tak­ing mat­ters into it’s own hands. Col­orado is not bend­ing eas­i­ly to the new fed­er­al restric­tions from Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency’s Mer­cury and Air Tox­i­cs Stan­dards (MATS), also known as the “Mer­cury Rule,” which is cur­rent­ly being dis­put­ed […]

Revealed: A Secret Monsanto Document In The Maui GMO Case

Imag­ine you are a lawyer argu­ing a case before a judge. There is no jury. The judge will decide the outcome. The judge tells you, “Look, the oth­er side, your oppo­nents in this case, have filed doc­u­ments with me. These doc­u­ments are at the heart of their argu­ment. I can’t allow you to read the […]


      The US Sen­ate Com­mit­tee on Health, Edu­ca­tion, Labor and Pen­sions is dis­cussing this bill now! Call the com­mit­tee mem­bers and tell them to vote NO, should this come to a vote. Repub­li­cans by Rank Lamar Alexan­der (TN) Michael B. Enzi (WY) Richard Burr (NC) John­ny Isak­son (GA) Rand Paul (KY) Susan Collins (ME) Lisa […]

Ways and Means of Sedition

FA Note: After pub­lish­ing her arti­cle, Vicky emailed the fol­low­ing comment: A thought just occurred to me… this would be a bril­liant strat­e­gy to pro­vide ter­ror­ist fund­ing in a dis­trib­uted and vir­tu­al­ly unstop­pable way because the courts would be enforc­ing the child sup­port decrees of for­eign tri­bunals — which includes the tri­bunals of the Imams.  Per­haps […]

New Mexico Legislature Passes Bill Restricting Access to Public Streams

Jim Beers, retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service The fol­low­ing arti­cle caught my eye this morn­ing.  Since it invit­ed com­ments at the end, I shared my com­ments with them and they fol­low the arti­cle. Jim   Anglers could be for­bid­den to wade in waters that run through pri­vate prop­er­ty.On […]

Environmental Shakedown Through Bastardized Application of Science, Policy, and Education

Disgruntled ex-federal employees found a way to bilk taxpayers out of millions of dollars using the flawed Endangered Species Act Over a 3‑year peri­od, 2009–2012, Depart­ment of Jus­tice data show Amer­i­can tax­pay­ers foot­ed the bill for more than $53 mil­lion in so-called envi­ron­men­tal groups’ legal fees—and the actu­al num­ber could be much high­er. The real […]

Clean Water Act Victory For Landowners!

The 8th Cir Court of Appeals gave Pacif­ic Legal Foun­da­tion a resound­ing vic­to­ry today in Hawkes v Corps.  A unan­i­mous three-judge pan­el held a Corps of Engi­neers’ Juris­dic­tion­al Deter­mi­na­tion (i.e.  wet­lands delin­eation) is imme­di­ate­ly review­able in court and sub­ject to challenge. For decades, the courts have used a legal fic­tion to deny cit­i­zens the right […]

House Bill Would Give Land Trusts Power Over Private Forestlands

Unsuspecting property owners may find themselves on the outside looking in A seem­ing­ly innocu­ous, bipar­ti­san House bill intro­duced in late March could sub­ject unsus­pect­ing landown­ers to the whims of pow­er-hun­gry envi­ron­men­tal groups, eager to usurp the prop­er­ty rights of those who fall into their clutches. At risk are own­ers of pri­vate forest­lands, who may soon […]

Shakeup at Virginia Land Trust Makes Waves

Now the fox is in charge of the henhouse! The abrupt depar­ture of a high-rank­ing offi­cial from the Pied­mont Envi­ron­men­tal Coun­cil (PEC) is fuel­ing spec­u­la­tion that the con­tro­ver­sial land trust is feel­ing the heat from rev­e­la­tions of its trans­gres­sions against a Vir­ginia farmer. Heather Richards Heather Richards joined the PEC in Sep­tem­ber 2006, ini­tial­ly serv­ing […]

Windham County Districts Revolt Against School Consolidation in Vermont

Pho­to cour­tesy of Wind­ham South­east Super­vi­so­ry UnionPUSH BACK: Wind­ham South­east Super­vi­so­ry Union Super­in­ten­dent Ron Stahley co-wrote a let­ter with school board lead­ers express­ing strong oppo­si­tion to school con­sol­i­da­tion in Vermont. A back­lash over statewide school con­sol­i­da­tion is under way in Ver­mont as mem­bers of the Wind­ham South­east Super­vi­so­ry Union Board sent a let­ter to state […]

Contract Extension Could Leave Landowners Flapping in the Breeze

Crit­ics say a pro­posed leg­isla­tive fix vio­lates the spir­it of the law against spe­cial leg­is­la­tion for cor­po­ra­tions and under­cuts options for landown­ers who may rethink their involve­ment with wind developers. The con­tro­ver­sy focus­es on the 82-megawatt Black Oak wind farm — on the draw­ing board in Stearns Coun­ty since 2008. State law requires that wind ener­gy projects […]