NOAA Caught Rewriting U.S. Temperature History (Again)

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We have writ­ten a num­ber of times about how gov­ern­ment agen­cies, includ­ing the Nation­al Ocean­ic and Atmos­pher­ic Admin­is­tra­tion here in the U.S., have sys­tem­at­i­cal­ly adjust­ed tem­per­a­ture his­to­ry to make the past look cold­er. They appar­ent­ly do this, usu­al­ly sur­rep­ti­tious­ly and with­out expla­na­tion, in order to stoke glob­al warm­ing hys­te­ria. See, for exam­ple, He Who Con­trols the Present Con­trols the Past and Inside the Glob­al Warm­ing Scan­dal.

Now Mike Brakey, an engi­neer­ing physi­cist and heat trans­fer spe­cial­ist, has caught NOAA revis­ing his­toric tem­per­a­ture data for Maine–as always, to make the past look cool­er and the present warmer by comparison:

Over the last months I have dis­cov­ered that between 2013 and 2015 some gov­ern­ment bureau­crats have rewrit­ten Maine cli­mate his­to­ry… (and New England’s and of the U.S.). This state­ment is not based on my opin­ion, but on facts drawn from NOAA 2013 cli­mate data vs. NOAA 2015 cli­mate data after they re-wrote it.

We need only com­pare the data. They cooked their own books (see num­bers below).

Click to enlarge:xBrakey_1.png,qresize=580,P2C324.pagespeed.ic.Hz1GCws6hWMU28zxf83f

This graph presents the data visu­al­ly. The black line shows aver­age annu­al tem­per­a­tures for Maine from 1895 to the present as they were record­ed at the time, and as NOAA pub­lished them in 2013. Ther­mome­ters have record­ed no net warm­ing since 1895. The blue line rep­re­sents NOAA rewrit­ten his­to­ry as it appears in 2015. Note how NOAA reduces ear­li­er tem­per­a­tures more than recent ones to give the graph a plau­si­bly warm­ing trend. The green line shows aver­age annu­al tem­per­a­tures for a sin­gle loca­tion, Lewis­ton-Auburn, show­ing a steep decline since 2000. Click to enlarge:xBrakey_2.png,qresize=580,P2C321.pagespeed.ic.7o9_vYpMJqP-t6tN6yHc

NOAA has made sim­i­lar adjust­ments to past tem­per­a­tures around the Unit­ed States. Brakey writes:

It appears NOAA pan­icked and did a mas­sive rewrite of Maine tem­per­a­ture his­to­ry (they used the same algo­rithm for U.S. in gen­er­al). The new offi­cial tem­per­a­tures from Maine between 1895 and present were LOWERED by an accu­mu­lat­ed 151.2°F between 1895 and 2012.

In my opin­ion, this is out-and-out fraud. Why did they cor­rupt nation­al cli­mate data? Glob­al warm­ing is a $27 bil­lion busi­ness on an annu­al basis in the U.S alone.

Now NOAA data revised in 2015 indi­cate that 1904, 1919 and 1925 in Maine were much cold­er than any­thing we expe­ri­ence today. (See the score­card above com­par­ing the NOAA data that are 18 months apart). Note how for 1913 the NOAA low­ered the annu­al tem­per­a­ture a whole 4°F!

For the bal­ance of the years, as they get clos­er to the present, the NOAA tweaks less and less. They have cor­rupt­ed Maine cli­mate data between 1895 and present by a whop­ping accu­mu­lat­ed 151.2°F.

David Archibald writes:

Their cool­ing of the past to keep the glob­al warm­ing meme alive reminds me of the old Sovi­et joke – the future is known, it is the past that keeps changing.

Would some­one please try to explain why this isn’t the biggest scan­dal in the his­to­ry of science?