Lawmakers Want FDA To Crack Down On Soap Makers

Peo­ple who are try­ing to do good for their fam­i­lies and the plan­et by liv­ing a sim­ple life based on tra­di­tion­al skills are fac­ing yet anoth­er assault. Arti­sanal soap mak­ers say new reg­u­la­tions, pro­posed by Sen­a­tor Dianne Fein­stein (D‑California) and Sen­a­tor Susan Collins (R‑Maine), will put them out of busi­ness. Many soap mak­ers are rur­al […]

Oyster Farmer: ‘We Are Terrified’ Of The Government

Two cus­tomers enjoy oys­ters out­side the oys­ter shack at Drakes Bay Oys­ter Com­pa­ny in Inver­ness, Cal­i­for­nia July 31, 2014. REUTERS/Stephen Lam Drakes Bay Oys­ter Com­pa­ny oper­at­ed in Point Reyes for decades until Nation­al Park Ser­vice offi­cials used fal­si­fied data to force Kevin Lunny’s fam­i­ly-run oys­ter farm to shut down. The expe­ri­ence has left its mark […]