Very Comprehensive Explanation of Most Dangerous Amendments to the Every Child Achieves Act of 2015

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Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt#NO WAY ESEA  #NO WAY ESEA  #NO WAY ESEA

Con­tro­ver­sial amend­ments includ­ing issues such as vouch­ers and teacher eval­u­a­tion require­ments were kept off of the bill, but those debates are still expect­ed to be had when the bill hits the full sen­ate. Lead­ers have said that will be lat­er this year, but no debate has been sched­uled yet.”  [from More details on U.S. Sen­ate HELP committee’s ESEA reau­tho­riza­tion bill by Kate Kuhlmann]

What do bold­ed words above mean? Is “lat­er this year” a typo? Do they mean “lat­er this month” or what? We should­n’t let our guard down; this bill could be passed at any time. Remem­ber, pas­sage of the Fed­er­al Reserve leg­is­la­tion took place Decem­ber 23, 1913, the day before Christ­mas Eve… when most mem­bers of Con­gress were on vaca­tion. This blog will keep you informed, but you, your­self, could help us by search­ing, every sin­gle day, the Inter­net links relat­ed to this free­dom-bust­ing legislation.

See the Kate Kuhlmann arti­cle with amend­ments here.