Vatican Heavies Silence Climate Heretics At UN Papal Summit

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VATICAN CITY – Papal heav­ies shut down an awk­ward ques­tion at a Vat­i­can press con­fer­ence today when a jour­nal­ist asked UN Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al Ban Ki-Moon his views on cli­mate sceptics.

Marc Mora­no, cov­er­ing the Vat­i­can cli­mate con­fer­ence for Cli­mate Depot, asked Ban Ki-Moon whether he had a mes­sage for the Heart­land Insti­tute del­e­ga­tion of sci­en­tists who have flown to Rome to urge the Pope to recon­sid­er his ill-advised posi­tion cli­mate change.

But before he could fin­ish the con­fer­ence hosts inter­rupt­ed to ask which organ­i­sa­tion he worked for, then direct­ed the micro­phone to a more tame ques­tion­er, while a secu­ri­ty guard came over to mut­ter in Morano’s ear “You have to con­trol your­self or you will be escort­ed out of here.”

Mora­no, togeth­er with Christo­pher Mon­ck­ton (one of the Heart­land del­e­ga­tion) and your cor­re­spon­dent, only nar­row­ly made it into the care­ful­ly stage-man­aged con­fer­ence where – as known cli­mate scep­tics – they were appar­ent­ly not welcome.

Ah. So you made it in here?” said a some­what sur­prised look­ing mem­ber of the Vat­i­can press team to Mora­no, when he realised that he had bypassed the Vatican’s secu­ri­ty and infil­trat­ed the press pack who had come to cov­er the conference.

As luck would have it, a heav­en-sent show­er of tor­ren­tial rain had cre­at­ed such chaos that secu­ri­ty wasn’t as tight as it might have been.

How­ev­er, the three scep­tics (Mora­no, Mon­ck­ton, Del­ing­pole) were watched very care­ful­ly through­out the pro­ceed­ings lest they attempt to ruf­fle the feath­ers of key speak­ers Ban Ki-Moon, left-wing econ­o­mist Jef­frey Sachs and Car­di­nal Turk­son, the Ghana­ian priest who has been co-ordi­nat­ing the Vatican’s posi­tion on “cli­mate change.”

In the end, Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al Ban did answer a sim­i­lar ques­tion, albeit one expressed more del­i­cate­ly by a jour­nal­ist from the Catholic media, when he was asked what his views were on those mem­bers of the Catholic com­mu­ni­ty who had reser­va­tions about the Pope’s posi­tion on cli­mate change.

Per­haps this was a response to Ban’s rather bold and very moot dec­la­ra­tion that “Reli­gion and sci­ence are unit­ed on the need for action on climate.”

I don’t think faith lead­ers should be sci­en­tists,” said Ban, in reply to the ques­tion. “I’m not a sci­en­tist. What I want is their moral author­i­ty. Busi­ness lead­ers and all civ­il soci­ety is on board [with the mis­sion to com­bat cli­mate change]. Now we want faith lead­ers. Then we can make it happen.”

Sec­re­tary-Gen­er­al Ban clear­ly didn’t need the help from the papal secu­ri­ty. As he smooth­ly demon­strat­ed – as lat­er when he deft­ly swerved a ques­tion about “over­pop­u­la­tion” and whether his pre­vi­ous­ly expressed views that Africa should keep its pop­u­la­tion down clashed with the Catholic doc­trine on con­tra­cep­tion – he’s more than capa­ble of squish­ing incon­ve­nient truths himself.