A Modern Paul Revere

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Jim Beers, retired Refuge Manager, Special Agent, & Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Jim Beers, retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

The fol­low­ing is a recent let­ter from Mr. Jett Fere­bee of North Car­oli­na to the Sec­re­tary of the Inte­ri­or (Jew­ell) and the Direc­tor of the US Fish & Wildlife Ser­vice (Ashe).


Mr. Fere­bee and his asso­ciates in North Car­oli­na have formed an active coali­tion of politi­cians and bureau­crats bent on expos­ing the law­less­ness of the coer­cive and destruc­tive fed­er­al wolf intro­duc­tion sham in North Car­oli­na.  Despite their con­cert­ed efforts to pub­li­cize the law­less­ness, the arro­gant lies and the fed­er­al dis­re­gard for states’ rights and pri­vate prop­er­ty: he and his asso­ciates con­tin­ue their chal­lenge like a fox ter­ri­er with teeth firm­ly imbed­ded in the ankle of a thief in the night.


Notwith­stand­ing a Con­gres­sion­al Hear­ing where­in the esteemed Sec­re­tary feigned con­cern and a need to get to the bot­tom of things and a US Fish and Wildlife Ser­vice Wash­ing­ton Com­mand Cen­ter that bobs and weaves like Muhammed Alli’s imag­i­nary crit­ter that “flies like, a but­ter­fly and stings like a bee”: Mr. Fere­bee and his Tarheels con­tin­ue to dig and con­front the trav­es­ty foist­ed upon them by fed­er­al excess and envi­ron­men­tal fanatics.


Two things:

1.    The exact same abus­es are being per­pe­trat­ed by the same per­pe­tra­tors through­out the Unit­ed States.  Like a snow­ball going down­hill it con­tin­ues to grow larg­er and more destruc­tive as it is allowed to com­pound its’ evil agen­da.  Go to Mr. Ferebee’s web­site, read what he has exposed and then look around you and ask your­self what things will be like next month, next year, and when those kids and grand­kids start fam­i­lies, look for work and attempt to car­ry on those tra­di­tions and val­ues that you hold so dear.  I sug­gest that those stir­ring words, “The British are Com­ing!” express exact­ly what you will real­ize as you absorb what the fed­er­al behe­moth has become.

2.    What Mr. Fere­bee has done and is doing is either repeat­ed and emu­lat­ed where you live or there will be no hope that we will avoid the inevitable tri­umph of Social­ism or Tyran­ny (call it what you will) over the rights and free­dom this coun­try was found­ed to pro­tect and nur­ture.  Learn what he is doing and think hard about how you and neigh­bors can do it as well.


One hun­dred and five years ago, GK Chester­ton wrote about avoid­ing Social­ism in Eng­land, “If we hes­i­tate, we shall soon have to hur­ry”.  The time “to hur­ry” is upon us.


Jim Beers

29 April 2015