Seed Laws that Criminalise Farmers: Resistance and Fightback

Peas­ant seeds – the pil­lar of food pro­duc­tion – are under attack every­where. Under cor­po­rate pres­sure, laws in many coun­tries increas­ing­ly lim­it what farm­ers can do with their seeds. Seed sav­ing, which has been the basis of farm­ing for thou­sands of years, is quick­ly being criminalised. What can we do? A new book­let and poster […]

US Agribusiness, GMOs and The Plundering Of The Planet

Small family/peasant farms pro­duce most of the world’s food. They form the bedrock of glob­al food pro­duc­tion. Yet they are being squeezed onto less than a quar­ter of the planet’s farm­land. The world is fast los­ing farms and farm­ers through the con­cen­tra­tion of land into the hands of rich and pow­er­ful land spec­u­la­tors and agribusi­ness corporations. […]

New Coalition Site Launches to Amplify Opposition to the NSA’s Mass Surveillance

A coali­tion of 34 orga­ni­za­tions from across the polit­i­cal spec­trum is launch­ing Fight215.orgtoday to help con­cerned indi­vid­u­als con­tact law­mak­ers and demand an end to NSA’s uncon­sti­tu­tion­al mass sur­veil­lance under the Patri­ot Act. The launch coin­cides with the count­down to the expi­ra­tion of Sec­tion 215 of the Patri­ot Act, which the NSA claims jus­ti­fies bulk col­lec­tion of […]