News from North Carolina

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Jim Beers, retired Refuge Manager, Special Agent, & Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Jim Beers, retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

I just received this attach­ment and the e‑mail that fol­lows my note here from the men in North Car­oli­na who are giv­ing their all to rid North Car­oli­na of the “red” wolves that have always been no more than hybrid dog/coyote/wolf mon­grels.  The name “red” is about as bio­log­i­cal­ly sig­nif­i­cant as is “red” Doberman.

These hybrids were forced into South Car­oli­na and then North Car­oli­na with all the “exper­i­men­tal”, “only on fed­er­al lands” crap­o­la, secre­cy and fed­er­al bureau­cra­cy act­ing as occu­py­ing force as is hap­pen­ing in the Great Lakes States, the South­west­ern US and the North­west­ern US.  Today these hybrids are most­ly (they wan­der a lot) in North Car­oli­na where the feds want no coy­ote hunt­ing at night (when con­trol is most effec­tive); where these pro­tect­ed hybrids inter­fere with dogs of all uses and stripes; and where they gen­er­al­ly cause great dis­tress to rur­al res­i­dents and landowners.

These hybrids were ONLY sup­posed to be released on fed­er­al land but, as is com­mon, the gov­ern­ment kicked them loose on pri­vate lands for all the usu­al, arro­gant rea­sons.  When called on it; the him­ming and haw­ing, the deni­a­bil­i­ty, the bro­ken promis­es about “pro­vid­ing infor­ma­tion”, etc. made all the recent scan­dals in Wash­ing­ton look like case stud­ies in mod­el trans­par­ent gov­ern­ment for Civics Textbooks.

This man (Jett Fere­bee) and his asso­ciates have led a coali­tion of con­cerned North Car­olini­ans com­posed of fed­er­al and State politi­cians, rur­al res­i­dents and the state wildlife bureau­cra­cy that is a cred­it to Amer­i­can grit.  Their record and tac­tics are some­thing we can all learn from.  It is with this in mind that I am doing some­thing I have nev­er done before in for­ward­ing a dona­tion request.  If he says this is a sig­nif­i­cant mat­ter as he describes it, it may spur some fed­er­al reform legislation.

I recent­ly sent a video of the Sec­re­tary of the Inte­ri­or being called to account about these hybrids by US Con­gress­man Cyn­thia Lum­mis at a Hear­ing of the US House of Rep­re­sen­ta­tives’ Resource Com­mit­tee. Rur­al Amer­i­ca and espe­cial­ly those with forced wolves and griz­zlies have no bet­ter friend in the US House than Con­gress­man Lum­mis.  Her resume tells it all:

She was raised on her fam­i­ly ranch in Laramie Coun­ty and grad­u­at­ed from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wyoming with bach­e­lor degrees in Ani­mal Sci­ence and Biol­o­gy. In 1979, Cyn­thia became the youngest woman ever elect­ed to the Wyoming Leg­is­la­ture. She returned to the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wyoming for a law degree, which she received in 1985.

So I ask you to con­sid­er at least writ­ing an e‑mail of sup­port to Mr. Fere­bee.  He hopes to get the same lev­el of pub­lic­i­ty as giv­en to oth­ers that pos­ture with their faux con­cern about wildlife and make great waves about how con­cerned they are to pro­tect wildlife from all human pres­ence and human activ­i­ty.  Sim­ply a strong show of sup­port will make it more fea­si­ble to give the Cyn­thia Lum­mis­es of the Nation (yes there are oth­ers) what they need to take con­crete action in the US House to sup­port rur­al North Car­olini­ans in ways that may well be applic­a­ble to all of the land from the Great Lakes to Texas and west­ward to those “great Pacif­ic shores”.

If Jett is right about who did this, then that knowl­edge and the open, equal treat­ment of Amer­i­can jurispru­dence will have far-reach­ing prece­dence for all of rur­al America.

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Sub­ject:   Jim — It was an USFWS employ­ee that shot this wolf! They’ve not come clean yet!

NC Red Wolf killing
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From: Jett Fere­bee
Sent: Sun­day, March 29, 2015 6:37 AM
Sub­ject: Need your help with Red Wolf reward $



We, landown­ers and sports­men, are offer­ing a reward for infor­ma­tion lead­ing to the arrest and con­vic­tion of the per­son who killed the Sept. 30th wolf.  We have a good idea who killed this wolf and it will be worth the reward for this to go public.

Please go to the red wolf scan­dal thread and add to the reward: forums/showthread.php?95624- quot-Red-Wolf-quot- restoration-scandal&p=1511705& viewfull=1#post1511705

Small amounts are fine.  If you do not want to go online to do this, just email me your offer amount.  We real­ly just want to go pub­lic with a large reward offered by hunters for this par­tic­u­lar kill.  USFWS will be forced to pub­li­cize the reward offer as they did for DOW, RWC, etc.  USFWS will like­ly have to a answer as to why hunters are offer­ing the reward.  The answer will be dev­as­tat­ing to them.

Hunters are always blamed for these kills.  This is the kill to turn the tables on USFWS!
