An Appeal From A Koasek Family

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We are a con­cerned fam­i­ly, liv­ing in the ter­ror of geo engi­neered skies, in the state of Ver­mont. We also belong to the Koasek Abena­ki Nation in our state. Our ances­tors passed down a strong under­stand­ing of the inter-relat­ed­ness between peo­ple and nature. Our lives would not be worth liv­ing if we spent every day extract­ing the vital resources of our plan­et and not giv­ing back. In the sum­mer our fam­i­ly plants trees, restores nat­ur­al water­sheds, and picks up trash from parks and road­sides. These morals are woven into the fab­ric of who we are. So to look up at the sky and not speak out or take action against the crime that is being com­mit­ted would mean that we are com­plic­it in this ongo­ing omni­cide of all life on our plan­et, our only home.

We’ve been watch­ing the hor­ror unfold in our state. First the big white jets fly in, then they turn their sprayers on and spray the sky until it is a thick tox­ic haze. Next, our faces are on fire and we are sick. And this spring, we are remov­ing dead trees that should have lived anoth­er hun­dred years. There are no birds chirp­ing. Nature is either dead or dying. And still, the jets con­tin­ue to spray us.

We couldn’t help but notice that the White House main Peti­tion Page (shown here: did not have one sin­gle voice about geo engi­neer­ing on it any­where. Not to have a state­ment there, a peti­tion rep­re­sen­ta­tion to the White House, is just wrong. So we made a peti­tion, (link below).

We will con­sid­er this PETITION 1. If the 30 days times out and we do not have the 100,000 sig­na­tures required to get a response from the White House by the close date of April 24, we will restart the peti­tion as PETITION 2.

Suc­cess is not a guar­an­tee. We still need your par­tic­i­pa­tion. And we may need it again, and again. The pur­pose of this project is to final­ly achieve the 100,000 sig­na­tures and to get this insane Pres­i­dent to final­ly make a pub­lic state­ment about what is hap­pen­ing in our skies. The very least we can do is to rep­re­sent on the White House peti­tion page. Plus, this pro­vides expo­sure of this issue to those who view the pub­lic open peti­tions for the first time and see our peti­tion there. Most impor­tant­ly, it rep­re­sents the brave souls who will stand up, in every state of our great nation, and demand that the spray­ing stops at once.

Thank you for tak­ing a stand with us. Join­ing togeth­er is the only way to make a dif­fer­ence in this fight.

The Hiltl-Mardin fam­i­ly, cen­tral Vermont.

Peti­tion Title: Geo engi­neer­ing of our skies by way of aerosol spray com­ing from jet air­craft is genocide.

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