BREAKING: Legislation Launched to SHUT DOWN the UN’s Agenda

Sen­a­tor Jim Inhofe added an amend­ment to the Unit­ed Nations Arms Trade Treaty that would poten­tial­ly shut down parts of the Unit­ed Nations if the treaty were to pass. Pri­or to Inhofe’s amend­ment, Sen­a­tor Mike Crapo added an amend­ment to push back Obama’s Depart­ment of Jus­tice and their Oper­a­tion Choke Point. Oper­a­tion Choke Point was an over­reach of […]

8 Things You Wouldn’t Think Are Spying On You, But Are

The next time you take a trip to the mall, make sure you give those man­nequins a big smile. The sur­veil­lance industry’s lat­est recruit—joining the ranks of the Stat­ue of Lib­er­ty, vend­ing machines, Kinect, and a litany of oth­er seem­ing­ly innocu­ous retail products—is store man­nequins. The $245 bil­lion dol­lar lux­u­ry goods indus­try cur­rent­ly avails itself […]

Common Core, Part 3

LEARN the FACTS about Com­mon Core’s Com­mu­nist Roots “We must declare open­ly what is con­cealed,name­ly, the polit­i­cal func­tion of the school.…It is to con­struct com­mu­nist soci­ety.”~Lenin The lat­est install­ment in a series from Dr. Den­nis Cud­dy, “Com­mon Core: Part 3″ was pub­lished on NewsWith­Views, March 30, 2015. Dr. Cud­dy wrote about a trip that the “ ‘Father of […]

Institutionalized Corruption in the Spotlight

By now, most peo­ple are aware that our gov­ern­ments – fed­er­al, state and local – are out of control.What is not so obvi­ous is that gov­ern­ments are out of con­trol because they are uncon­trol­lable due tothe insti­tu­tion­al struc­tures that have been imple­ment­ed over the last cen­tu­ry. The mis­sion and pur­pose of gov­ern­ment has been lost […]