Texas Lawmakers Launch Attack on UN Agenda 21

Fol­low­ing in the foot­steps of offi­cials in oth­er states, law­mak­ers in Texas intro­duced leg­is­la­tion that would pro­hib­it some state and local gov­ern­ment par­tic­i­pa­tion in the deeply con­tro­ver­sial Unit­ed Nations “sus­tain­abil­i­ty” scheme known as Agen­da 21. With bills tar­get­ing the UN pro­gram intro­duced in both hous­es of the leg­is­la­ture and out­rage about Agen­da 21 still grow­ing […]

PLF Defends Emerald Isle Beach Homeowners Against A “Taking” By Town Officials

Town of Emer­ald Isle, N.C.; March 19, 2015: This week, the nation’s lead­ing prop­er­ty rights defense orga­ni­za­tion stepped in to rep­re­sent an Emer­ald Isle cou­ple who are fight­ing the town’s uncon­sti­tu­tion­al impo­si­tion of a 20-foot-wide gov­ern­ment dri­ving lane across their pri­vate­ly owned sandy beach property. Donor-sup­port­ed Pacif­ic Legal Foun­da­tion (PLF) is a pub­lic inter­est legal […]

3/19/2015 — Air Force Base RADAR in New Mexico Generates Man Made Tornado Using Microwaves

How many times is too many times before the gen­er­al pub­lic real­izes that microwaves are induc­ing severe weather? Today, March 19 2015, a strong detec­tion of dam­ag­ing winds, and a detec­tion of a pos­si­ble strong tor­na­do form­ing in the foothills East of Kirt­land Air Force base in Albu­querque New Mexico. The rota­tion formed almost direct­ly […]

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong on H.R. 5

An Alert by Anita Hoge Nation­al Review Online and Thomas B. Ford­ham Insti­tute are wrong, wrong, wrong on HR 5. Nation­al Review Online and Ford­ham Insti­tute are total­ly wrong on HR 5. They are call­ing HR 5 as “take back our schools” leg­is­la­tion and that “fed­er­al over­reach in edu­ca­tion might final­ly be com­ing to a close.” Michael […]

Liberal Obama Law Professor: Obama’s EPA is Burning the Constitution

Lau­rence Tribe, a lib­er­al Har­vard law pro­fes­sor, in fact, he was one of Obama’s law pro­fes­sors, claims that Oba­ma and his EPA is “burn­ing the con­sti­tu­tion”.  Tribe explains the lim­i­ta­tions that the con­sti­tu­tion allows to the EPA: “EPA pos­sess­es only the author­i­ty grant­ed to it by Con­gress.  Its gam­bit here rais­es seri­ous ques­tions under the sep­a­ra­tion […]