NAU at Work? Canadian, Mexican Border Agents Can Now Work Within US, Carry Firearms

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NAUNew bor­der deal: Cana­da cus­toms agents could work in U.S., vice ver­sa … Cana­di­an cus­toms agents could soon work in the U.S. and car­ry firearms, and the U.S. bor­der guards could do the same in Cana­da, as a result of a new bor­der agree­ment between Cana­da and the U.S. – CBC

Dom­i­nant Social Theme: It makes a lot of sense for US and Cana­di­an secu­ri­ty per­son­nel to work togeth­er – maybe under the same regime.

Free-Mar­ket Analy­sis: We last wrote about the nascent NAU in late Jan­u­ary, in an arti­cle enti­tled, “Shock: CNN Edi­to­r­i­al Calls for a North Amer­i­can Union.

Now, once more, these three large states seem to have tak­en anoth­er step toward uni­ty. But before pro­ceed­ing, let’s review the CNN arti­cle, which we quot­ed as follows:

Why we need a North Amer­i­can Pass­port … The future suc­cess of North Amer­i­ca depends part­ly on how the U.S., Cana­da and Mex­i­co work togeth­er … The future of the Unit­ed States lies in North Amer­i­ca. This is not a geo­graph­ic tru­ism, but a strate­gic imper­a­tive. Gen­er­a­tions of Amer­i­cans, dis­tract­ed by far-flung crises, have long tak­en our own region for grant­ed. This must change if the 21st cen­tu­ry is to be an Amer­i­can century. 

We began our Jan­u­ary analy­sis with the fol­low­ing comment:

Is the cam­paign for a North Amer­i­can Union offi­cial­ly under­way with this edi­to­r­i­al appear­ing in CNN? Cer­tain­ly con­spir­a­cy the­o­rists might be jus­ti­fied in think­ing so.

For years, more than a decade, some have sus­pect­ed that pow­er­ful bureau­cra­cies in North Amer­i­ca – espe­cial­ly in Wash­ing­ton – might seek to com­bine Mex­i­co, the US and Cana­da into a sin­gle super-state.

This was always greet­ed with howls of con­tempt by those in the main­stream media, espe­cial­ly in the lib­er­al con­gre­ga­tion, who knew bet­ter. There was no need, no pos­si­bil­i­ty, that Cana­da, Mex­i­co and the US would ever form a sin­gle trad­ing – and per­haps polit­i­cal – union in the man­ner of the EU.

But here we go. Those deri­sive hoots are now drowned out by the real­i­ty of what this edi­to­r­i­al proposes.

Now we can update our spec­u­la­tion – as there is this announce­ment, report­ed by the CBC, that US and Cana­di­an bor­der agents can work with­in each oth­er’s countries.

Will they do so with­in the con­text of a uni­fied com­mand? The details are yet unclear but when gov­ern­men­tal agents work by treaty in each oth­er’s coun­try, it’s cer­tain­ly a step toward a bureau­crat­ic union.

The increased over­lap between Mex­i­co and the US is being dri­ven by a reduc­tion in immi­gra­tion con­trols that is intend­ed to allow more legal cross-bor­der travel.

In Cana­da, where resis­tance to a merg­er with the US is even high­er than in Mex­i­co, bureau­crat­ic uni­ty dri­ves the pro­gram. And it seems obvi­ous­ly to be a pro­gram. A series of treaties and joint accords are grad­u­al­ly bind­ing the gov­ern­ments of the three coun­tries into an ever-tighter embrace.

Here’s more:

Pub­lic Safe­ty Min­is­ter Steven Blaney and Home­land Secu­ri­ty Sec­re­tary Jeh John­son have signed a cus­toms pre-clear­ance agree­ment for rail, land and sea trav­el that was years in the mak­ing. The arrange­ment would allow cus­toms agents to work in each oth­er’s coun­tries, which means they could screen pas­sen­gers away from the bor­der and ease the choke points.

… Maryscott Green­wood of the Cana­di­an Amer­i­can Busi­ness Coun­cil said the agree­ment will use mod­ern tech­nol­o­gy to speed up things at the bor­der. “It’s dra­mat­ic, it’s his­toric, it’s a big day in Canada‑U.S. rela­tions,” she said. The state­ment says the agree­ment applies to all modes of trans­port, which could include pas­sen­ger vehi­cles. It also says cus­toms agents will be allowed to car­ry firearms in each oth­er’s countries.

We can see from Green­wood’s com­ments that this isn’t mere­ly a bor­der agree­ment designed to enhance effi­cien­cy. She is cast­ing it in his­tor­i­cal terms, espe­cial­ly giv­en that agents will be “allowed to car­ry firearms in each oth­er’s country.”

This notable event in Cana­da becomes even more notice­able when one real­izes that a sim­i­lar arrange­ment has just been announced in Mexico.

From the Albu­querque Jour­nal: “Mex­i­co set to allow armed U.S. cus­toms offi­cials with­in its borders.”

Here’s more:

A Mex­i­can ini­tia­tive to allow U.S. cus­toms offi­cials to car­ry weapons in the coun­try could clear the way for cus­toms inspec­tions inside Mex­i­co’s assem­bly plants, alle­vi­at­ing con­ges­tion at bor­der crossings.

New Mex­i­co’s bor­der indus­tries, as well as Mex­i­co’s maquila assem­bly plants, have been press­ing for years for a pro­gram that would allow cus­toms inspec­tors to clear goods before they reach a port of entry.

One major obsta­cle has been Mex­i­co’s ban pro­hibit­ing U.S. law enforce­ment from car­ry­ing their guns in Mex­i­co. Mex­i­co Pres­i­dent Enrique Peña Nieto last month asked the coun­try’s Con­gress to lift the long-stand­ing taboo.

In a pro­pos­al sent to Mex­i­co’s Sen­ate, Peña Nieto under­scored that Mex­i­co’s econ­o­my depends in a large part on the com­pet­i­tive­ness of its bor­der and pro­posed allow­ing for­eign gov­ern­ments’ cus­toms inspec­tors to work along­side the coun­try’s own.

It all sounds so rea­son­able – who could object to gov­ern­ments work­ing togeth­er in this fash­ion? And yet isn’t there evi­dence of a process here?

Cer­tain­ly it would seem to us worth com­ment­ing – as we are now doing. Yet we doubt we’ll see a sin­gle main­stream news out­let put these two sto­ries togeth­er with­in the con­text of a larg­er trend. We could write the head­line, of course. Here’s one version:

Cana­da, Mex­i­co and US to Allow Cus­toms Offi­cials to Work in Cross-bor­der Partnership”

Con­clu­sion: When one looks at all the oth­er agree­ments, includ­ing trade treaties such as NAFTA and CAFTA, it’s almost indis­putable that uni­fy­ing ele­ments are at work.