It’s Official: Americans R Stupid

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Brain-Public-Domain-300x229As Amer­i­cans, we tend to be pret­ty full of our­selves, and this is espe­cial­ly true of our young peo­ple. But do we real­ly have rea­son for such pride? Accord­ing to a shock­ing new report from the Edu­ca­tion­al Test­ing Ser­vice, Amer­i­cans between the ages of 20 and 34 are way behind young adults in oth­er indus­tri­al­ized nations when it comes to lit­er­a­cy, math­e­mat­ics and tech­no­log­i­cal pro­fi­cien­cy. Even though more Amer­i­cans than ever are going to col­lege, we con­tin­ue to fall far­ther and far­ther behind intel­lec­tu­al­ly. So what does this say about us? Sad­ly, the truth is that Amer­i­cans are stu­pid. Our edu­ca­tion sys­tem is an abysmal fail­ure, and our young peo­ple spend most of their free time star­ing at the tele­vi­sion, their com­put­ers or their mobile devices. And until we are hon­est with our­selves about this, our intel­lec­tu­al decline is going to get even worse.

Accord­ing to this new report from the Edu­ca­tion­al Test­ing Ser­vice, at this point Amer­i­can Mil­len­ni­als that have a four year col­lege degree are essen­tial­ly on the same intel­lec­tu­al lev­el as young adults in Japan, Fin­land and the Nether­lands that only have a high school degree…

Amer­i­cans born after 1980 are lag­ging their peers in coun­tries rang­ing from Aus­tralia to Esto­nia, accord­ing to a new report from researchers at the Edu­ca­tion­al Test­ing Ser­vice (ETS). The study looked at scores for lit­er­a­cy and numer­a­cy from a test called the Pro­gram for the Inter­na­tion­al Assess­ment of Adult Com­pe­ten­cies, which test­ed the abil­i­ties of peo­ple in 22 countries.

The results are sober­ing, with dire impli­ca­tions for Amer­i­ca. It hints that stu­dents may be falling behind not only in their ear­ly edu­ca­tion­al years but at the col­lege lev­el. Even though more Amer­i­cans between the ages of 20 to 34 are achiev­ing high­er lev­els of edu­ca­tion, they’re still falling behind their cohorts in oth­er coun­tries. In Japan, Fin­land and the Nether­lands, young adults with only a high school degree scored on par with Amer­i­can Mil­len­ni­als hold­ing four-year col­lege degrees, the report said.

How in the world is that possible?

I can tell you how that is pos­si­ble – our col­leges are a joke. But more on that in a moment.

Out of 22 coun­tries, the report from the Edu­ca­tion­al Test­ing Ser­vice found that Amer­i­cans were dead last in tech pro­fi­cien­cy. We were also dead last in numer­a­cy and only two coun­tries per­formed worse than us when it came to lit­er­a­cy proficiency…

Half of Amer­i­can Mil­len­ni­als score below the min­i­mum stan­dard of lit­er­a­cy pro­fi­cien­cy. Only two coun­tries scored worse by that mea­sure: Italy (60 per­cent) and Spain (59 per­cent). The results were even worse for numer­a­cy, with almost two-thirds of Amer­i­can Mil­len­ni­als fail­ing to meet the min­i­mum stan­dard for under­stand­ing and work­ing with num­bers. That placed U.S. Mil­len­ni­als dead last for numer­a­cy among the study’s 22 devel­oped countries.

It is in this type of envi­ron­ment that Coca-Cola can be mar­ket­ed to Amer­i­cans as “a healthy snack“.

As I men­tioned above, our sys­tem of edu­ca­tion is one of the biggest cul­prits. From the first grade all the way through post-grad­u­ate edu­ca­tion, the qual­i­ty of edu­ca­tion that our young peo­ple are receiv­ing is absolute­ly pathet­ic. In a pre­vi­ous arti­cle, I high­light­ed some sta­tis­tics from USA Today about the declin­ing state of col­lege edu­ca­tion in America…

-“After two years in col­lege, 45% of stu­dents showed no sig­nif­i­cant gains in learn­ing; after four years, 36% showed lit­tle change.”

-“Stu­dents also spent 50% less time study­ing com­pared with stu­dents a few decades ago”

-“35% of stu­dents report spend­ing five or few­er hours per week study­ing alone.”

-“50% said they nev­er took a class in a typ­i­cal semes­ter where they wrote more than 20 pages”

-“32% nev­er took a course in a typ­i­cal semes­ter where they read more than 40 pages per week.”

I have sat in many of these kinds of col­lege cours­es. It doesn’t take much brain pow­er to pass the mul­ti­ple choice tests that most col­lege pro­fes­sors give these days. The truth is that if you fail out of col­lege you real­ly, real­ly have to try hard.

In anoth­er pre­vi­ous arti­cle I shared some exam­ples of real cours­es that have been taught at U.S. uni­ver­si­ties in recent years…

-“What If Har­ry Pot­ter Is Real?

-“Lady Gaga and the Soci­ol­o­gy of Fame

-“Phi­los­o­phy And Star Trek

-“Learn­ing From YouTube

-“How To Watch Tele­vi­sion

-“Oh, Look, a Chick­en!

This is a nation­al cri­sis. Par­ents should be scream­ing bloody mur­der about the qual­i­ty of the edu­ca­tion that their chil­dren are receiv­ing. But because very few of them actu­al­ly know what is going on, they just con­tin­ue to write out huge tuition checks all the time believ­ing that their kids are being pre­pared for the real world.

To show how “dumb­ed down” we have become, I want to share with you a copy of an eighth grade exam from 1912 that was donat­ed to the Bul­litt Coun­ty His­to­ry Muse­um in Kentucky.

Would eighth grade stu­dents be able to pass such an exam today?

Would col­lege students?

As you look over this exam from 1912, ask your­self how you would do on it…

In addi­tion, I find it very inter­est­ing that the read­ing lev­el of the State of the Union address­es deliv­ered by our pres­i­dents has steadi­ly declined since the incep­tion of this nation.

And it should be no sur­prise that Barack Obama’s State of the Union address­es have been some of the dumb­est of all.

But could it be pos­si­ble that I am being too harsh?

After all, sci­en­tists are now dis­cov­er­ing that our dimin­ish­ing intel­lec­tu­al capa­bil­i­ties are actu­al­ly the con­se­quence of nat­ur­al processes.

For exam­ple, a Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty biol­o­gy pro­fes­sor named Ger­ald R. Crab­tree has pub­lished two papers in which he detailed his con­clu­sion that humans have been get­ting dumb­er for thou­sands of years…

Are humans becom­ing smarter or more stu­pid? Com­par­ing our mod­ern lives and tech­nol­o­gy with that of any pre­ced­ing gen­er­a­tion, one might think we are becom­ing increas­ing­ly smarter. But, in two papers pub­lished in Trends in Genet­ics, Ger­ald R. Crab­tree of Stan­ford Uni­ver­si­ty claims that we are los­ing men­tal capac­i­ty and have been doing so for 2,000–6,000 years! The rea­son, Crab­tree con­cludes, is due to genet­ic mutations—which are the back­bone of neo-Dar­win­ian evolution.

Why is this happening?

Pro­fes­sor Crab­tree believes that this loss of intel­lec­tu­al capa­bil­i­ty is due to the accu­mu­la­tion of errors in our genes…

Based on data pro­duced by the 1000 Genomes Project Con­sor­tium and two recent papers in Nature, Crab­tree esti­mates in the first arti­cle that, in the past 3,000 years (approx­i­mate­ly 120 gen­er­a­tions), about 5,000 new muta­tions have occurred in the genes gov­ern­ing our intel­lec­tu­al abil­i­ty. He claims most of these muta­tions will have no effect, while about 2–5 per­cent are dele­te­ri­ous and “a van­ish­ing­ly small frac­tion will increase fit­ness.” Crab­tree bases his con­clu­sion that humankind is los­ing men­tal capac­i­ty on the ratio between the dele­te­ri­ous and the ben­e­fi­cial mutations.

Our DNA is mutat­ing, and it has been for thou­sands of years.  And no, those muta­tions are not help­ing us.  Each one of us has tens of thou­sands of errors in our DNA that we have inher­it­ed, and we will add even more errors which we will pass on to future generations.

Giv­en enough time, many sci­en­tists believe that human­i­ty would even­tu­al­ly degen­er­ate into a bunch of gib­ber­ing idiots inca­pable of ratio­nal thought.

Or could it be pos­si­ble that a large seg­ment of the pop­u­la­tion has already arrived at that state?