Social Experimentation on the Poor

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Charlotte Thomson IserbytNo Way, ESEA!

Fred­er­ick T. Gates is “alive and well” in 2015

This blog has detailed Fred­er­ick T. Gates and his ear­ly 1913 advo­ca­cy of social exper­i­men­ta­tion on poor and rur­al peo­ple. One hun­dred years lat­er we are still bat­tling his ter­ri­ble agen­da. Some of his ide­ol­o­gy is reflect­ed in cur­rent leg­is­la­tion in Congress.

Gates was direc­tor of char­i­ty for John D. Rock­e­feller’s South­ern Edu­ca­tion Board (SEB). Rock­e­feller was a busi­ness mag­nate and phil­an­thropist and a co-founder of the Stan­dard Oil Com­pa­ny. Accord­ing to one bio,

Rock­e­feller rev­o­lu­tion­ized the petro­le­um indus­try, and along with oth­er key con­tem­po­rary indus­tri­al­ists such as Andrew Carnegie, defined the struc­ture of mod­ern phil­an­thropy.….

As Rock­e­feller’s wealth grew, so did his giv­ing, pri­mar­i­ly to edu­ca­tion­al and pub­lic health caus­es, but also for basic sci­ence and the arts. He was advised pri­mar­i­ly by Fred­er­ick Tay­lor Gates.…[empha­sis added] 

The bio states:

[Rock­e­feller’s] Gen­er­al Edu­ca­tion Board made a dra­mat­ic impact by fund­ing the rec­om­men­da­tions of the Flexn­er Report of 1910. The study had been under­tak­en by the Carnegie Foun­da­tion for the Advance­ment of Teach­ing.…”[empha­sis added] 

Rock­e­feller’s [Gen­er­al Edu­ca­tion] Board was cre­at­ed by John D. Rock­e­feller and Fred­er­ick T. Gates in 1902.

Rock­e­feller gave it $180 mil­lion. Its head Fred­er­ick Gates envi­sioned “The Coun­try School of To-Mor­row,” where­in “young and old will be taught in prac­ti­ca­ble ways how to make rur­al life beau­ti­ful, intel­li­gent, fruit­ful, recre­ative, health­ful, and joy­ous.” By 1934 the Board was mak­ing grants of $5.5 mil­lion a year. It spent near­ly all its mon­ey by 1950 and closed in 1964.” (Source)[emphasis added] 

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Rock­e­feller and Carnegie were sev­er­al of the first gen­er­a­tion of phil­an­thropists who real­ized that they could con­trol the “evo­lu­tion” of the social order by their finan­cial giv­ing. They fur­thered their agen­das by feath­er­ing the nests of those who sup­port­ed their caus­es. Inevitably their phil­an­thropic caus­es also ben­e­fit­ed their for-prof­it endeav­ors, often with dev­as­tat­ing results.

See the book Thy Will Be Done: The Con­quest of the Ama­zon: Nel­son Rock­e­feller and Evan­ge­lism in the Age of Oil by Ger­ard Col­by and Char­lotte Den­nett for dis­turb­ing, doc­u­ment­ed and detailed doc­u­men­ta­tion on this very point.

The Fred­er­ick T. Gates’ book has been con­tro­ver­sial for over a cen­tu­ry for its patron­iz­ing, con­de­scend­ing and racial­ly big­ot­ed tone. The book is now down­load­able online.

Gates book6To down­load this book,
~Go to:

~Click the red box EBOOK-FREE.

~Then click “Down­load PDF button.

~NOTE: There are a series of steps which you will have to exper­i­ment with your own com­put­er and pro­grams in order to fol­low. You will want to down­load the “Occa­sion­al Papers.”

~This may require that you sign in with a Google e‑mail account. For those of you who are com­put­er-savvy, your dili­gence may result in a down­load of this book. We would detail the steps, but it might be dif­fer­ent for each computer.

Below is a key quote from page 6 of Gates’ book:
Gates book, p. 6Read relat­ed posts for more infor­ma­tion about Fred­er­ick T. Gates and what he did in his life­time, and how his ideas STILL influ­ence edu­ca­tion reform:

Prey­ing on the Most Vulnerable
From GATES to GATES Bill Gates Rules the World
Com­mon Core Char­ter School Craziness!
The Delib­er­ate Dumb­ing Down of the Village