Supreme Court Rules that Cops Do Not Need a Warrant to Search Your Home

In anoth­er dev­as­tat­ing blow to free­dom, the Supreme Court ruled Tues­day that police don’t need a war­rant to search your prop­er­ty. As long as two occu­pants dis­agree about allow­ing offi­cers to enter, and the res­i­dent who refus­es access is then arrest­ed, police may enter the residence. “Instead of adher­ing to the war­rant require­ment,” Gins­burg wrote, […]

THEY are coming for your children. . . .

NO Way, ESEA! THEY want our babies. THEY want our children. THEY want our country. THEY, the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment, are clos­ing in upon us on all all sides. THEY have declared war on our fam­i­lies, and on our freedoms. WE fight for our free­doms by wield­ing our Con­sti­tu­tion­al liberties. WE pub­lish the truth and dis­sem­i­nate it. WE win […]