Wildlife agencies plan to restore grizzlies in Washington

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grizzly-bear-620x400EVERETT, Wash. (AP) — The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Ser­vice, the Nation­al Park Ser­vice and Wash­ing­ton state agen­cies are plan­ning to restore griz­zly bears to the North Cascades.

The Everett Dai­ly Her­ald reports the agen­cies plan to hold pub­lic meet­ings next month in six cities. The input will help the agen­cies decide how to bring back the endan­gered species.

An impact state­ment on the recov­ery plan would address pub­lic safe­ty, live­stock pre­da­tion and the pos­si­ble effects on busi­ness and recreation.

Most griz­zly bears in the state were killed by set­tlers. It’s esti­mat­ed there may be few­er than 20 of the big bears liv­ing in the North Cas­cades south of the Cana­di­an border.

Meet­ings are sched­uled from March 3 to March 11 in Winthrop, Okanogan, Wenatchee, Cle Elum, Seat­tle and Bellingham.