Common Core Early History

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Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt…‘National, Rational, Republican Education, Free for All, at the Expense of All, Conducted under the Guardianship of the State,’ apart from the contaminating influence of parents…”

Be sure to catch Dr. Den­nis Cud­dy’s fas­ci­nat­ing arti­cle “Com­mon Core” post­ed on NewsWith­Views 3/2/15, in which he divulges some fas­ci­nat­ing ear­ly his­to­ry on how edu­ca­tion began to be con­trolled by an elite “intel­li­gentsia of Horace Man­n’s day… the first half of the 1800s.”

Cuddy NWV  CC
Dr. Cud­dy, an expert his­to­ri­an who has delved into much ear­ly edu­ca­tion his­to­ry, wrote:

MannAccord­ing to Will Mon­roe’s HISTORY OF THE PESTALOZZIAN METHOD IN THE UNITED STATES (1907), the edu­ca­tion­al ideas of (Illu­mi­nati mem­ber) Pestalozzi began to be print­ed in jour­nals and text­books in the Unit­ed States in 1806.

He notes that from its very incep­tion these ideas were used to forge utopi­an com­mu­ni­ty education:

Utopi­an Social­ist Robert Owen vis­it­ed Pestalozzi at Yver­don, Switzer­land in 1818, and applied the Illu­min­ist’s edu­ca­tion­al prin­ci­ples in Britain and Amer­i­ca. In 1825, Owen estab­lished the first com­mune in the Unit­ed States in New Har­mo­ny, Indiana.

Read the rest of the arti­cle. Note that it is Part 1 in an upcom­ing series by Dr. Cud­dy on this top­ic of “Com­mon Core.”

Relat­ed arti­cles include:
Com­mon Core Career Readiness
Com­mon Core Persists
Com­mon Core Char­ter Vil­lage Hub Schools