Common Core Early History

“…‘National, Rational, Republican Education, Free for All, at the Expense of All, Conducted under the Guardianship of the State,’ apart from the contaminating influence of parents…” Be sure to catch Dr. Den­nis Cud­dy’s fas­ci­nat­ing arti­cle “Com­mon Core” post­ed on NewsWith­Views 3/2/15, in which he divulges some fas­ci­nat­ing ear­ly his­to­ry on how edu­ca­tion began to be […]

Montana Nearly Outlaws Agenda 21

At the end of the bi-annu­al leg­isla­tive ses­sion the Mon­tana State Assem­bly processed the most aggres­sive anti-Agen­da 21 leg­is­la­tion ever con­sid­ered. As of today sev­er­al oth­er states have out­lawed Agen­da 21. In Mon­tana, con­sid­er­a­tion was giv­en to terms that would have been extra­or­di­nar­i­ly effec­tive at stop­ping Agen­da 21’s progress. The vote was 41 to 59. The […]

Update: AP’s Seth Borenstein at it again hyping Antarctic melt fears

Recy­cles same claims from 2014, 1990, 1979, 1922 & 1901! – Cli­mate Depot’s Point-By-Point Rebuttal The Asso­ci­at­ed Press is recy­cling more than cen­tu­ry old Antarc­ti­ca ice sheet melt and sea lev­el rise fears.  Reporter Seth Boren­stein is not the first one to hype these same Antarc­ti­ca melt fears. Vir­tu­al­ly the exact same claims and hype were […]