Wolf Lessons from North Carolina

Jim Beers, retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Last Fri­day, 30 Jan­u­ary, I wrote a piece, Kudos to North Car­oli­na and Her Wolves that Nev­er Were, com­pli­ment­ing the recent suc­cess of some men in North Car­oli­na regard­ing how to stand up to the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment and the Endan­gered […]

Medical mafia calling for gunpoint quarantines of citizens who refuse vaccinations

Fed­er­al offi­cials want to order a quar­an­tine for a South Pasade­na woman and grad stu­dent whose sis­ter recent­ly con­tract­ed a case of measles at near­by Dis­ney­land, but she is resist­ing the push because, she says, she does­n’t have the disease. Twen­ty-six-year-old Ylsa Tellez’s younger sis­ter, 24-year-old Mau­ra Tellez, was one of more than two dozen […]


The Dissolution of Local Representative Government Through Charter Schools Charter Horror Stories ESEA Reau­tho­riza­tion bill and char­ters, see HERENo Way ESEA! It is the best kept secret in the coun­try. The most durable myth — that char­ter schools are “local con­trol” — per­pet­u­at­ed by BOTH the Polit­i­cal Right and the Polit­i­cal Left. In fact char­ters elim­i­nate […]

Digital Electronic “Internet of Things”(IoT) and “Smart Grid Technologies” to Fully Eviscerate Privacy

The “Inter­net of Things” (IoT) and Smart Grid tech­nolo­gies will togeth­er be aggres­sive­ly inte­grat­ed into the devel­oped world’s socioe­co­nom­ic fab­ric with lit­tle-if-any pub­lic or gov­ern­men­tal over­sight. This is the over­all opin­ion of a new report by the Fed­er­al Trade Com­mis­sion, which has announced a series of “rec­om­men­da­tions” to major util­i­ty com­pa­nies and transna­tion­al cor­po­ra­tions heav­i­ly […]

Watch Out for That Puddle, Soon It Could Be Federally Regulated

FA Note:  This Op-Ed appeared in the Wall Street Jour­nal Decem­ber 7, 2014. The authors are Reed Hop­per and Todd Gaziano, with Pacif­ic Legal Foundation.  The EPA wants to rede­fine ‘the waters of the Unit­ed States’ to mean vir­tu­al­ly any wet spot in the country. Get­ty Images Ear­li­er this year the Envi­ron­men­tal Pro­tec­tion Agency and […]

The ESEA Power Grab

The death of local control NO WAY ESEA! “We should nev­er per­mit the Amer­i­can edu­ca­tion­al system to become the vehi­cle for experimentation by edu­ca­tion­al ideologues. A care­ful analy­sis of the writ­ings and statements of vocal and influ­en­tial spokesmen in the gov­ern­men­tal and edu­ca­tion­al fields indi­cates a desire on the part of some of these individuals to […]

TSA to Require ‘Real ID’ with Background Checks for Domestic Flights

Real ID: gold star for good behav­ior; no report on the scar­let let­ter they’ll use to ID troublemakers. Real ID: gold star for good behav­ior; no report on the scar­let let­ter they’ll use to ID troublemakers. The TSA recent­ly announced they will require a spe­cial driver’s license to board domes­tic flights by 2016. These ‘Real IDs’ […]

Why Anita Hoge Needs to Testify Before Congress

Every Amer­i­can needs to hear what Ani­ta Hoge said on the Rense Radio inter­view Fri­day night.… What we found in con­tracts we requested was that Penn­syl­va­nia was the model to cre­ate a nation­al I.D. for every per­son in the Unit­ed States, start­ing at birth;  they called it a womb to work­place database  and it includes every individual.… [They […]

“They Never”, “They Always”

Jim Beers, retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service A pack of “five to six” coy­otes just killed a full grown horse, iron­i­cal­ly owned by the Coun­ty Sheriff’s Depart­ment, in a pad­dock between Detroit and Flint, Michi­gan.  The local “wildlife tech­ni­cian” said he “can count on zero fin­gers the […]