‘Top teacher’ winner quits due to Common Core

Announced to stunned audi­ence: ‘I can’t do it anymore’ Sta­cie Starr reacts to win­ning the Top Teacher con­test (Bruce Bishop/ Chronicle-Telegram Hon­ored as the “Top Teacher” by ABC’s “Live with Kel­ly and Michael” show, Sta­cie Starr was speak­ing at an edu­ca­tion forum ear­li­er this week when she dropped a bombshell. The vet­er­an teacher at Elyr­ia […]

Conspiracy Theorists Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-manipulation Tool

The most damn­ing asper­sion that can be lobbed against any per­son, or the expo­sure of “secret gov­ern­ment activ­i­ty,” over­whelm­ing­ly is “Con­spir­a­cy The­o­rist.” That pejo­ra­tive ‘han­dle’ is equat­ed with imbe­cile mind-activ­i­ty with asper­sions often sug­gest­ed as ‘tin hat wear­ers’. Well, step aside all you doubters and lis­ten up care­ful­ly to what took place in the halls […]

Watch Out For Opt Out!

A “Seis­mic Shift” In Assess­ing Students “The group calls for what’s called “assess­ment lit­er­a­cy” for teachers,  but also admin­is­tra­tors, school boards, par­ents — and students.” (Source) A 3D Research Report by Mari Caplan Many par­ents, under­stand­ably fed up by the aggres­sive test­ing asso­ci­at­ed with Com­mon Core Stan­dards or now Career and Col­lege Ready Stan­dards, are […]