Superior Court (Alameda County) Rules in Favor of ABAG and One Bay Area

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Lit­i­ga­tion Seeks to Pro­tect the Amer­i­can Form of Government

In a result ori­ent­ed deci­sion, Alame­da Coun­ty Supe­ri­or Court Judge Eve­lio Gril­lo ruled against Free­dom Advo­cates and oth­ers in the war over pro­tect­ing Cities and Coun­ties from a trans­for­ma­tion of local gov­ern­ment (One Bay Area). The new form of gov­ern­ment in the San Fran­cis­co Bay Area is run by ABAG (Asso­ci­a­tion of Bay Area Gov­ern­ments). ABAG has jammed a $300 bil­lion nation­al tax­pay­ers fund­ing pro­gram that extorts all 101 cities and 9 coun­ties in the Bay Area. ABAG is a COG (Coun­cil of Gov­ern­ments). COGs are direct­ed and fund­ed by the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment and are extra-Con­sti­tu­tion­al. Total trans­for­ma­tion is the Agen­da – includ­ing mas­sive stack and pack hous­ing on 3% of the area’s land mass, abo­li­tion of pri­vate prop­er­ty, pub­lic trans­porta­tion in replace­ment of pri­vate auto use and attacks on rur­al hous­ing – pure Agen­da 21 and “jus­ti­fied” on the basis of ‘cli­mate change.’ A con­ve­nient excuse for restruc­tur­ing gov­ern­ment! As the Bay Area goes, so will Los Ange­les and then San Diego. The Bay Area cities have been lured to remake their zon­ing ordi­nances in order to qual­i­fy for receipt of a share of One Bay Area’s $16 bil­lion ‘start up’ fund to be dis­trib­uted soon by ABAG, unless there is Court intervention.

The One Bay Area plan intends for the San Fran­cis­co Bay Area to become the first Amer­i­can City-State (see video here). News­pa­pers in the Bay Area essen­tial­ly do not report on the trans­for­ma­tion. The pub­lic is unaware. COGs came to Cal­i­for­nia by decree of then Gov­er­nor Ronald Rea­gan, who declared as jus­ti­fi­ca­tion: “The era of horse and bug­gy gov­ern­ment is over.” Lib­er­al politi­cians + Con­ser­v­a­tive politi­cians = Glob­al­ists. The real bat­tle is Glob­al­ism vs. Amer­i­ca. Where do you stand?

Read the Court Rul­ing here.

Our tax exemp­tion has been revi­tal­ized. We can­not car­ry the appeal with­out your help. THIS may be the turn­ing point for pos­ter­i­ty. Help your­self, help Amer­i­ca, pre­serve Lib­er­ty, and pro­tect the Con­sti­tu­tion! Con­tribute here and spread the information.unnamed (3)

With­out warn­ing or notice, the IRS ter­mi­nat­ed Free­dom Advo­cates’ tax exempt sta­tus in 2013. How­ev­er, you can once again make tax deductible con­tri­bu­tions to Free­dom Advo­cates through our fis­cal spon­sor, the Edward Charles Foun­da­tion. Help expand the under­stand­ing of glob­al­ism and make a con­tri­bu­tion to Free­dom Advocates. 
You can also make tax deductible con­tri­bu­tions by mail. Make checks out to ‘Free­dom Advo­cates’ and send to: Free­dom Advo­cates, P.O. Box 3330, Free­dom, CA 95019. Thank you!



Read the ABAG lit­i­ga­tion doc­u­ments and more at:

GlobalizationOfCalifornia. com

Be sure to also read Tim­o­thy Kas­souni’sSev­en Rea­sons Why Plan Bay Area is Ille­gal & Bad Pol­i­cy for Cal­i­for­nia.”

Other website productions by Freedom Advocates:unnamed (4)unnamed (5)
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The Glob­al­iza­tion of Cal­i­for­nia Forum DVD set is the first com­pre­hen­sive exposé of the role of Region­al­ism in the Action Plan known as Agen­da 21 Sus­tain­able Development.

Click here to pur­chase your copy.unnamed (6)