Anita Hoge Tells All About Testing Attitudes

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Charlotte Thomson IserbytNo Way ESEA
WATCH & LISTEN to a riv­et­ing pre­sen­ta­tion by Ani­ta Hoge!

(Start lis­ten­ing about the 23 minute mark)

The Feb­ru­ary 5th inter­view Ani­ta Hoge did with John Wells of Car­a­van To Mid­night radio is now post­ed on YouTube. This is a “must watch.”

Maybe you are a per­son who has trou­ble read­ing and digest­ing all of these blog posts. Well, sit back and WATCH and LISTEN to Ani­ta explain every sin­gle thing that we have been try­ing to warn you about on this blog.

Here is Ani­ta hold­ing the SCANS doc­u­ment, the 1992 Sec­re­tary’s Com­mis­sion on Achiev­ing Nec­es­sary Skills report titled Learn­ing a Liv­ing: A Blue­print for High Per­for­mance talk­ing about set­ting up per­for­mance stan­dards for YOUR chil­dren, which put in place the entire work­force edu­ca­tion agenda:Anita holding SCANS

Here is Ani­ta hold­ing up the “Hypo­thet­i­cal Resume” in the SCANS report, which sets stan­dards for your child’s atti­tudes and scores them accord­ing to pre-set gov­ern­ment-defined cri­te­ria. Anita Hypothetical Resume SCANSBe sure to watch and listen!

NOTE: Ani­ta will be on the first hour of Car­a­van To Mid­night AGAIN this com­ing Fri­day, Feb­ru­ary 13th, 11 am to 2 PM EST, We will both be on dur­ing the remain­ing two hours!Anita & Charlotte on CTM

Relat­ed Posts:
Char­lotte & Ani­ta Sched­uled for Anoth­er Radio Show
Ani­ta Hoge’s OPEN LETTER to PA Dept of Ed’s Dumaresq
Penn­syl­va­nia Cit­i­zens Call for Mora­to­ri­um on Data Collection