Wolf Lessons from North Carolina

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Jim Beers, retired Refuge Manager, Special Agent, & Wildlife Biologist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Jim Beers, retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service

Last Fri­day, 30 Jan­u­ary, I wrote a piece, Kudos to North Car­oli­na and Her Wolves that Nev­er Were, com­pli­ment­ing the recent suc­cess of some men in North Car­oli­na regard­ing how to stand up to the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment and the Endan­gered Species Act.  This involves “red” wolves, an envi­able (to most of us) State Wildlife Agency and both fed­er­al and State elect­ed politi­cians from North Car­oli­na lis­ten­ing to and stand­ing up for the rur­al res­i­dents of North Carolina.

Since writ­ing that arti­cle, I have had numer­ous e‑mails and some phone calls ask­ing me how they have accom­plished what they have.  It is with try­ing to answer that ques­tion that I have spo­ken to some of those involved and they have shared with me some sam­ples of their meth­ods and approach­es.  I have attached a series of items below for the use of those involved in this fight from the Great Lakes toYu­ma to Dor­ris (CA) and Spokane.

I would cau­tion you to keep in mind that the US Fish and Wildlife Ser­vice and all their environmental/animal rights’ allies are watch­ing this close­ly as well.  They are no doubt involved in high lev­el and intense con­fer­ences to deter­mine how to keep this from being repeat­ed else­where not only with wolves or griz­zlies but with every song­bird, min­now or “bun­nie” they have “List­ed” or intend to “List” in the shade of the Endan­gered Species Act.

Here are a few obser­va­tions I have made over the past few days as I dug into this vic­to­ry of Con­sti­tu­tion­al gov­ern­ment and the rights of all cit­i­zens to “Life, Lib­er­ty and the Pur­suit of Happiness”: 

–       This suc­cess sto­ry is real­ly the vic­to­ry of a few deter­mined North Car­olini­ans that, until recent­ly, would have appeared to be no dif­fer­ent than you or me.  A farmer/businessman, a boat entre­pre­neur, and a vol­un­teer Coor­di­na­tor of the North Car­oli­na Legislature’s Sportsman’s Cau­cus are three that leap out.  The farmer was hav­ing “wolf” prob­lems as some of his land lies along­side fed­er­al “wolf” habi­tat.  The boat entre­pre­neur (an impor­tant voca­tion in a State rich in fresh­wa­ter, brack­ish water, salt­wa­ter, seafood, fish, duck hunt­ing and every oth­er imag­in­able water recre­ation­al pur­suit) is an exam­ple of a con­cerned cit­i­zen doing what he believes to be the right thing.  The Sportsman’s Cau­cus Coor­di­na­tor is the sort of all-too-rare polit­i­cal work­er that sees what is best for the res­i­dents and wildlife of his State – and does it.

–       They evi­dent­ly made a con­scious deci­sion to pro­ceed with­out any lawyers.  They knew what their goals were and they seemed to have found that the lawyers either did not under­stand what they were about or they were not recep­tive to what these men knew had to be done.

–       Among oth­er things they did to gain pub­lic sup­port while they were uncov­er­ing fed­er­al vio­la­tions and try­ing to orga­nize polit­i­cal sup­port, was inex­pen­sive, nov­el and appar­ent­ly worth every pen­ny.  They hired one of those old prop planes you see haul­ing adver­tis­ing signs along and over East Coast beach­es in the sum­mer to fly back and forth over and through­out a big (in North Car­oli­na) col­lege foot­ball game (UNC & ECU I believe) with a sign trail­ing behind that said some­thing like “Google Red Wolf Restora­tion Scandal @ …….”

–       They record­ed fed­er­al gov­ern­ment answers and non-answers to questions.

–       They care­ful­ly read the reg­u­la­tions and doc­u­ment­ed vio­la­tions by fed­er­al employees.

–       They pub­li­cized (see below) every­thing they found.

–       They got sci­en­tif­ic and media help from a wide range of North Car­olini­ans with a sim­i­lar devo­tion to what is best for their state plus skills and expe­ri­ence these men needed.

–       They lob­bied both the new­ly elect­ed con­ser­v­a­tive fed­er­al and state offi­cials and also those pro­gres­sive offi­cials that want­ed what was best for North Car­oli­na.  I was told one that one long-stand­ing state wolf sup­port­er politi­cian who had had a “Research” Cen­ter named after him remained uncon­vinced of these men’s mis­sion.  NOTE:  Nam­ing a Refuge or Bridge or oth­er pub­lic project after either an alive or deceased (as an invi­ta­tion to oth­ers) pow­er­ful politi­cian who sup­ports gov­ern­ment growth and ben­e­fits is an old (at least since The New Deal) and tried ploy of those like bureau­crats that antic­i­pate annu­al returns to the pub­lic mon­ey or new law trough.

–       As you con­sid­er what is use­ful to you from North Car­oli­na, remem­ber that North Car­oli­na has its’ share of large urban con­cen­tra­tions and a good deal of out-of-state pro­fes­sors and tech­ni­cal work­ers and researchers that one would expect to be big fans of wolves “out there over the hill from where I live but where I may want to vaca­tion one day”.  Yet the politi­cians and rur­al res­i­dents gen­er­at­ed the polit­i­cal sup­port nec­es­sary with­in the polit­i­cal cli­mate of the day to do what they have accom­plished.  For instance, I was told that about 75% of the cur­rent wildlife stu­dents at one of the large and respect­ed Uni­ver­si­ties are either uncon­cerned about ani­mal man­age­ment and/or anti-hunt­ing and trap­ping.  Yet these men have accom­plished what they have.

–       As with many such accom­plish­ments today, get­ting a coali­tion of state and fed­er­al elect­ed offi­cials on your side to not only stand up to bad laws and fed­er­al abuse but to just as impor­tant­ly remind the state bureau­crats that they work for the res­i­dents of the state and that they will be backed up when they look out for and pro­tect them; is most important.

What they have done can be done where you live and it can be, and prob­a­bly is best, done by men and women just like you.  Look over the fol­low­ing infor­ma­tion but keep in mind that these men have jobs and not staffs for things like you might expect from all the oth­er “play­ers” in these wolf melo­dra­mas.  Rethink what you have done and are doing as well as what you might do tomor­row.  Share this around, speak with your friends and neigh­bors, and con­sid­er how lucky we are to have a State like North Car­oli­na and men like these in this great Nation — and don’t for­get the info below.

Jim Beers

3 Feb­ru­ary 2015

If you found this worth­while, please share it with oth­ers.  Thanks.


—————————— ———————-



Videos explain­ing aspects of North Carolina’s steps to force the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment to remove the so-called (hybrids of dog/coyote and wolf) “red” wolves.

http://nchuntandfish.com/ forums/showthread.php?95624- quot-Red-Wolf-quot- restoration-scandal&p=1486239& viewfull=1#post1486239



A humor­ous but telling expla­na­tion of what is being called a “red” wolf. unnamed3.)

Pub­lic Infor­ma­tion examples:

1.     NCWRC Res­o­lu­tion to End the Failed Red Wolf Program

http://vimeo.com/user28731375/ red­wol­frestora­tionscan­dal

(Offi­cial Video) USFWS Ille­gal­ly Releas­es 64 Red Wolves on Pri­vate Land and Lacked Fed­er­al Authority

***MEDIA CONTACT; Jett Fere­bee, 252–714-2774***

Con­gress­man Wal­ter B Jones, Water Jones, Con­gress­man Jones, Joey Hin­ton, Doc Hast­ings, House Com­mit­tee on Nat­ur­al Resources, Con­gress, Con­gress­man Doc Hast­ings, ESA Over­sight, Sue and Set­tle, Sue & Set­tle, T. Delaene Bee­land, The Secret World of Red Wolves, Cor­nelia N. Hutt, Cor­nelia Hutt, Red Wolf Coali­tion, FOX, FOX News, ABC, ABC News, NBC, NBC News, WRAL, WRAL News, Raleigh, Char­lotte, Sean Han­ni­ty, Bill Oreil­ly, Bill O’Reil­ly, The Fac­tor, Megan Kel­ly, Gre­ta Van Sus­teren, N&O, News and Observ­er, Bob Pen­der­grass, Dan Nicholas Park, Kim Wheel­er, Red Wolf Coali­tion, David Rabon, RWC Board Mem­ber, USFWS, Red Wolf, Hybridiza­tion, Inter­na­tion­al Wolf Cen­ter, Rob Schultz, Nina Fas­cione, Defend­ers of Wildlife, ESA, Endan­gered Species Act, Nonessen­tial Exper­i­men­tal Pop­u­la­tion, North Car­oli­na, Alli­ga­tor Riv­er Wildlife Refuge, Red Wolf Coor­di­na­tor, Sec­tion 10(j), 5 — Year Sum­ma­ry, Cap­tive Breed­ing, Rein­tro­duc­tion Area, Coy­ote, Coy­wolf, Coy­wolfs, Coy-wolf, Coy­wolfs, Preda­tor Con­trol, Ser­vice, Take Per­mit, Adap­tive Man­age­ment, Ster­il­iza­tion, Fed­er­al Game Lands, Fish and Wildlife Ser­vice, Ani­mal Wel­fare Insti­tute, Law­suit, NCWRC, North Car­oli­na Wildlife Resource Com­mis­sion, Depre­da­tion, 5 Coun­ty Red Wolf Recov­ery Area, Hyde Coun­ty, Beau­fort Coun­ty, Tyrrell Coun­ty, Dare Coun­ty, Wash­ing­ton Coun­ty, Red Wolf Recov­ery Pro­gram, Reward, PHVA 1999, George Ama­to, Mike Cham­ber­lain, Jen­nifer Gilbreath, Ed Bangs, Bri­an Cole, Karen Goodrowe, Karen Beck, Glo­ria Bell, Dave Flem­ming, Jack Grisham, Art Bey­er, Randy Fulk, Mary Hage­dorn, Mike Bryant, Todd Fuller, Phil Hedrick, Onnie Byers, Eric Gese, Gary Hen­ry, Bri­an Kel­ly, Phil Miller, John The­berge, Fred Knowl­ton, Michael Morse, Mary The­barge, Sue Lind­sey, Den­nis Mur­ray, Kathy Tray­lor-Holz­er, Chris Lucash, Ron Nowak, Will Wad­dell, Ford Mauney, Mike Phillips, Bob Wayne, Dave Mech, Ulysses Seal, Kathy Whid­bee, Scott McLel­lan, Doug Smith, Aubrey White, Michael Stoskopf, Paul Wil­son, Dan Ashe, Sal­ly Jew­ell, Depart­ment of the Inte­ri­or, Red Wolf Study, Peer Review, Peer Reviewed, Howl­ings, Colum­bia NC, Columbia

Last edit­ed by BR549; 01-30-2015 at 07:54 PM.

*********** Please for­ward this link to like­mind­ed Hunters, Anglers and Amer­i­ca’s Con­ser­va­tion­ist, via Email, Face­book, Twit­ter etc.***********

Reply With Quote
2.     01-30-2015, 07:26 PM#2363

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From: Jim Beers <[email protected]>

> Sub­ject: Wolf Hybrids, North Car­oli­na and What a Few Good Men Can Do
Kudos to North Car­oli­na and Her Wolves that Nev­er Were
> As some­one with a long involve­ment in US and Euro­pean wolf deba­cles of the past three-plus decades, it is with admi­ra­tion and a wry sense of amuse­ment that I have fol­lowed the sor­did his­to­ry of fed­er­al red wolf impo­si­tions on the good peo­ple of North Car­oli­na. I admire what you are doing about “wolves” and I am deeply amused by your res­ur­rec­tion of the lost pow­er of State gov­ern­ments as spelled out in the US Constitution.
> Red (I call them GI for “gov­ern­ment issue”) wolves released on Bull Island at Cape Romaine Nation­al Wildlife Refuge in South Car­oli­na and then in North Car­oli­na at var­i­ous and sundry sites were always true hybrids com­posed large­ly of coy­ote; dog; and long gone, small SE US wolves’ genet­ic mate­r­i­al. That these GI or red “wolves” (actu­al­ly hybrids) are and always were ful­ly capa­ble of repro­duc­ing viable off­spring with not only coy­otes but with every vari­ety of dogs from deer hounds and Dober­mans to pit bulls and bas­set hounds is some­thing hon­est biol­o­gists rec­og­nize as the clas­sic def­i­n­i­tion of a Species, that is a group of sim­i­lar ani­mals capa­ble of pro­duc­ing viable off­spring. In oth­er words, the bureau­crat­ic manip­u­la­tion of a fed­er­al law clear­ly intend­ed to save “Species” such that some­thing bureau­crats call a “red” wolf is giv­en the unique iden­ti­ty of, say, a giraffe or a rhi­noc­er­os as a Species in order to exe­cute a very severe fed­er­al author­i­ty capa­ble of super­sed­ing State juris­dic­tion over wildlife in the State; the activ­i­ties of rur­al res­i­dents in things from ani­mal hus­bandry and hunt­ing to ani­mal con­trol and the safe­ty of all, espe­cial­ly chil­dren and the elder­ly; rur­al prop­er­ty own­ers like dog own­ers; and ulti­mate­ly the eco­nom­ic activ­i­ties of strug­gling rur­al com­mu­ni­ties: all this was and remains a scan­dalous abuse of gov­ern­ment pow­er and envi­ron­men­tal oppres­sion. That any cit­i­zen could be impris­oned for a year and fined $100,000 for killing or attempt­ing to kill such mon­grels placed in his midst by a remote cen­tral gov­ern­ment is a trav­es­ty once thought to be unimag­in­able in a Con­sti­tu­tion­al Repub­lic or even a “major­i­ty rule Democracy.
> To see a State Gov­ern­ment and its’ Wildlife Author­i­ty (the North Car­oli­na Wildlife Resources Com­mis­sion) stand up to this fed­er­al bul­ly­ing is heart­en­ing and a hope­ful sign for oth­er States, to say the least. The Commission’s Res­o­lu­tions to order the fed­er­al bureau­crats to remove the “wolves” that they have been ille­gal­ly releas­ing on pri­vate prop­er­ty in North Car­oli­na, plus their State­ment rec­og­niz­ing and call­ing for a Dec­la­ra­tion of Extinc­tion due to the Hybridiza­tion of the “Red Wolf” Genome (i.e. a full set of chro­mo­somes rep­re­sent­ing all the inher­i­ta­ble traits of a sin­gu­lar group of organ­isms) are mod­els to not only oth­er US States host­ing these GI wolves from the Great Lakes to the Pacif­ic Coast to the South­west ; they are a much need­ed encour­age­ment to Euro­peans from Ger­many and Italy to Spain where wolves are spread­ing death and destruc­tion due to the same sort of abuse of gov­ern­ment pow­er by the Euro­pean Union gov­ern­ment as Amer­i­cans are suf­fer­ing from Wash­ing­ton politi­cians and bureau­crats. Increas­ing­ly these Euro­pean wolves are being shown to be “hybrids” with dogs and just as in the US, what dogs are not being killed by wolves are bred by or breed with dog/wolves “in heat” cre­at­ing the inevitable and increas­ing­ly com­plex hybridiza­tions that will always be the hall­mark of wolves liv­ing in set­tled landscapes.
> In France alone, just last year, near­ly 10,000 domes­tic ani­mals were killed by wolves. Through­out Europe; sheep flocks, shep­herds, and self-suf­fi­cient rur­al fam­i­lies are, like their Amer­i­can rur­al cousins, endur­ing untold stress and dis­ap­pear­ing much to the dis­tress of their rur­al com­mu­ni­ties where they have con­tributed so much for untold gen­er­a­tions and where graz­ing lands are begin­ning to revert to brush and fire fuel. Euro­pean men are being incar­cer­at­ed for killing what appeared to be rogue dogs that, after lengthy and exten­sive lab­o­ra­to­ry by gov­ern­ment’ experts, were declared to be wolves. The same pro­pa­gan­da about wolves (“restore stream banks”, “don’t kill stock or game ani­mals”, “belong”, “nec­es­sary”) and the same par­a­digm of a remote and all-pow­er­ful cen­tral gov­ern­ment con­trolled by wealthy, urban fac­tions is destroy­ing much of rur­al Europe with GI wolves just as we see in the rur­al west­ern States today and just like fed­er­al bureau­cra­cies have long-intend­ed for North Car­oli­na and an ever-expand­ing ring of sur­round­ing States.
> So thank you North Car­oli­na. Your intesti­nal for­ti­tude and your mox­ie are both a mod­el and a ray of hope to far more than mere­ly those ensnared by the “red” wolf spi­der web man­u­fac­tured in Wash­ing­ton. All of us with wolves or about to “receive” wolves from our Pacif­ic Shores to where East meets West in East­ern Europe salute you and will begin watch­ing your progress and learn­ing how we can begin emu­lat­ing you.
> Jim Beers
> 30 Jan­u­ary 2014


A note from one of the North Car­oli­na men:


I will ask of you to lever­age our mes­sage by shar­ing with oth­ers in the “Wolf­B­Gone” Com­mu­ni­ty.  If you will dri­ve them back to ” Google Red Wolf Restora­tion Scan­dal” that would be great!!  Also feel free to post and share the fol­low­ing two videos that expose this Fed­er­al Mess!


Video #1 — http://vimeo.com/ user28731375/ redwolfrestorationscandal


Video #2 — http://vimeo.com/ user28731375/ googleredwolfrestoratonscandal





Anoth­er note and two doc­u­ments from the North Car­oli­na men:


Here are the Offi­cial Doc’s to publish!!”

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