Arkansas Takes Away 7 Homeschool Children because Father had Unapproved Mineral Supplement

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FA Note: Lit­tle is heard today of what might be called “Sus­tain­able Med­i­cine”. It exists, but not specif­i­cal­ly with­in Agen­da 21. The Codex Ali­men­ta­r­ius Com­mis­sion was cre­at­ed by the UN, cov­er­ing all foods. The U.S. FDA’s pol­i­cy is that Codex super­sedes U.S. laws. Fur­ther­more, the U.S. pas­sage of CAFTA requires the U.S. to con­form to Codex. One of Codex’ pri­ma­ry goals is to “ensure fair prac­tices in the inter­na­tion­al food trade”. In effect, if a vit­a­min or min­er­al food sup­ple­ment is not “fair“ly avail­able to all in the world the UN believes it should not be avail­able to any, while the FDA pros­e­cutes use of “unap­proved” supplements. 

Stanley family children being removed from home during the night because the father allegedly used an unapproved mineral supplement. Photo from the Bringthestanleykidshome Facebook Page.

Stan­ley fam­i­ly chil­dren being removed from home dur­ing the night because the father alleged­ly used an unap­proved min­er­al sup­ple­ment. Pho­to from the Bringth­es­tanleykid­shome Face­book Page.

UPDATE 1/19/2015

The Bringth­es­tanleykid­shome Face­book Page is reporting:

Praise God this morn­ing we got the news a local well known lawyer who deals with fam­i­ly cas­es, has tak­en their case free of charge. Also a nation­al news group is going to run the sto­ry. Sev­er­al radio sta­tions want to do radio interviews.

They are also report­ing on this Face­book Page that the chil­dren, all of whom have been home­schooled their entire lives, have been put into pub­lic school.

Rel­a­tives of the Stan­ley fam­i­ly in Gar­land Coun­ty, Arkansas have reached out to to noti­fy the pub­lic that the 7 home­school chil­dren of Hal and Michelle Stan­ley were removed dur­ing the night by DHS and ful­ly armed sher­iffs this past week, sim­ply because they report­ed­ly found a sup­ple­ment in the home that was not approved by the FDA.

KARK4 in Hot Springs Arkansas has report­ed on the situation:

Some excerpts from the KARK4 report:

A “mir­a­cle” min­er­al treat­ment alleged to be a rem­e­dy for can­cer and AIDS is at the cen­ter of an law enforce­ment search war­rant. The inves­ti­ga­tion end­ed in the removal of sev­en chil­dren from their home in Gar­land County.

The fam­i­ly has cried foul, say­ing only the father has tak­en it and it’s most­ly used for puri­fy­ing water for their gar­den. Hal and his wife Michelle were kept out­side for hours while offi­cers searched the home with their sev­en chil­dren inside.

They avoid most con­tact with the gov­ern­ment. The par­ents have home schooled their nine chil­dren, two of whom have grad­u­at­ed and gone on to col­lege. The Stan­leys keep to them­selves, are gen­er­al­ly self-sus­tained and con­sid­er them­selves “prep­pers”.

Hal Stanley, the father. Photo by KARK4

Hal Stan­ley, the father. Pho­to by KARK4

Hal added, “There’s nev­er been any beer, liquor.” They say they’ve nev­er had a run-in with the law before. “I’ve nev­er had a speed­ing tick­et.” The Stan­leys say since the night they had their chil­dren tak­en, friends and rel­a­tives have called and shown support.

As the chil­dren were removed from the home Hal and his wife Michelle say they emo­tion­al­ly asked who made the deci­sion. Hal said, “And final­ly a young man from the Sheriff’s depart­ment raised his hand, ‘I did it and I’m proud of the decision’.”

Michelle wor­ries about her chil­dren, “They’ve nev­er been away from us in any kind of set­ting like that.”

Read the Full Sto­ry here.

FDA Attacks MMS – An Appar­ent Threat to Phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal Drugs

Health Impact News has also report­ed on how the FDA has tar­get­ed the main dis­trib­u­tor of MMS, who is fac­ing 37 years in prison. This is in spite of the fact that the prod­uct has been used in Africa by the Red Cross to treat Malar­ia, and report­ed­ly has helped tens of thou­sands of peo­ple world­wide. The prod­uct is made from sodi­um chlo­rite, which is a per­fect­ly legal prod­uct and can be pur­chased online in such places as and eBay.

Daniel Smith has been embroiled in a legal bat­tle with the FDA for almost 5 years, and has been con­fined to his home under house arrest wear­ing a gov­ern­ment mon­i­tor­ing device around his ankle for over two years:

I’m attach­ing a pho­to of this clever device, which assures the gov­ern­ment I am safe and sound in my home every night between 10:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. In the begin­ning, it insured that I nev­er left home at all – not even to the gro­cery. Oth­er than keep­ing me from going swim­ming with the kids, I hard­ly notice it’s there any­more. This device com­mu­ni­cates with an alien-look­ing GPS-device that sits on top of our piano. (Source.)

Photo by Daniel Smith.

Pho­to by Daniel Smith.

While the FDA and oth­er author­i­ties are attack­ing both dis­trib­u­tors and users of this “unap­proved” prod­uct, sev­er­al phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal com­pa­nies have exist­ing drug tri­als in place for sim­i­lar prod­ucts, accord­ing to the MMS Defense Fund site:

It was no sur­prise then when, in June of 2013 (after the arrests), sodi­um chlo­rite sud­den­ly received “orphaned drug sta­tus” in the EU for the treat­ment of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Dis­ease). See Sodi­um Chlo­rite (NP001) Receives Orphaned “Drug” Sta­tus in the Euro­pean Union.

It was also no sur­prise to find that clin­i­cal stud­ies were already under way for the use of sodi­um chlo­rite (des­ig­nat­ed “NP001″) in the treat­ment of Alzheimer’s, Mul­ti­ple Scle­ro­sis, and Parkinson’s.

Nei­ther was it a sur­prise to find numer­ous patents – many based on clin­i­cal stud­ies – for the use of acid­i­fied sodi­um chlo­rite in the safe and effec­tive treat­ment of HIV, der­ma­to­log­ic and inflam­ma­to­ry dis­eases, infec­tious dis­eases, can­cers, and dia­bet­ic ulcers, to name a few. See also, Immunokine des­ig­nat­ed “WF10″.

More recent­ly, the U.S. mil­i­tary has turned to sodi­um chlo­rite to gen­er­ate chlo­rine diox­ide (ClO2) to fight the spread of dread Ebo­la.

Nobody has died from the many years of this prod­uct being used all around the world, but every year over 100,000 peo­ple die from FDA approved phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal products.deaths-in-one-year-due-to-drugs-vs-supplements-3

For more infor­ma­tion on MMS and the FDA attacks, see: FDA Attacks Man for Sell­ing Sup­ple­ment that has Healed Tens of Thou­sands – Fac­ing 37 Years in Prison

Michelle-Stanley Michelle Stanley, mother. Photo from KARK4

Michelle Stan­ley, moth­er. Pho­to from KARK4

A Shocked Mother’s Email to Friends and Family

Very con­cerned and trou­bled rel­a­tives have passed on to Health Impact News this email writ­ten by the moth­er of the children:

I did not have the strength to call after all that hap­pened today. I still haven’t been able to fall asleep and I don’t have much hope that I will. The DHS has come and stolen our kids from us under the guise of “pro­tect­ing our chil­dren.” For the first time since I gave birth to Made­lyn I am away from all my bam­bi­nos. Only Hal and I are here alone in this wide house tonight.

The details are so many and I know you’ll want to know them all. I will try to give a short account in this email and then fill you in more over the phone tomorrow.

Last month the DHS sent some­one out to inves­ti­gate a call made on their hot line (by an anony­mous caller.) The lady who called let us know that she was some­what embar­rassed at how sil­ly the charge was against us but that it was her job to inves­ti­gate it any­way. We wel­comed her into our home and she imme­di­ate­ly knew that the charges were friv­o­lous. The charges were that our kids were always run­ning around bare­foot, “even in the snow” and that they were inad­e­quate­ly dressed. Also that Hal had struck Christi­na on the face.

We showed her some of the “200 and some­thing” pair of shoes and told her (actu­al­ly the kids told her) how it was their pref­er­ence to go bare­foot and that it was like a tra­di­tion to briefly run out in the snow bare­foot and take a pic­ture of the foot­prints. We assured her that when they played in the snow they all liked to wear mul­ti­ple lay­ers of cloth­ing and bags over their feet to keep their shoes from get­ting wet and that they wore plas­tic gloves over their win­ter gloves to keep them from get­ting wet and cold too. Every­one in the fam­i­ly knew Hal had nev­er hit Christi­na so they all eager­ly told her that wasn’t true. She wrote her report and a cou­ple of days ago we got it in the mail and it said that the charge was not valid or false (I don’t remem­ber the exact word­ing but the report was that the charge was not true.)

Then today we had plans for com­pa­ny to eat sup­per with us in the evening and we got a call in the morn­ing from the DHS say­ing they got anoth­er phone call and that they had to come out just to ask us some ques­tions again. We planned it for the morn­ing at 11:00 so it wouldn’t inter­fere with our evening plans. Then he called back and said he had been called into a meet­ing with his super­vi­sor and that he would prob­a­bly be later.

DHS-Sheriff-removing-children-from-home DHS and armed sheriff removing homeschool children from their home. Photo courtesy KARK4.

DHS and armed sher­iff remov­ing home­school chil­dren from their home. Pho­to cour­tesy KARK4.

Well, he nev­er called back and nev­er came. Then around 4:30 sev­er­al peo­ple showed up at our door, all obvi­ous­ly here for the inves­ti­ga­tion and we wel­comed them in. How­ev­er they desired us to step out­side in order to speak pri­vate­ly with Hal and I and not in front of the kids. I tried to tell them it was much warmer inside and that it was noth­ing for the kids to go to the back of the house for us to have pri­va­cy talk­ing. They refused and insist­ed on us step­ping outside.

It was freez­ing cold and nei­ther Hal or I had on coats. After step­ping out­side they issued us a search war­rant and said we could not enter our house or talk to our kids until the search and the inves­ti­ga­tion was through.

You can only imag­ine how hard it was to play it cool and not blow up at the injus­tice that start­ed to unfold.

We could not go get a coat, we could not call a lawyer, we could not retrieve any­thing inside like a phone or a cam­era to record any­thing or call anyone.

They offered to let us sit in one of the 12 vehi­cles that end­ed up being in our dri­ve­way to keep warm. I bla­tant­ly refused say­ing I was not going to sit some­where I couldn’t have a view of my chil­dren and what all was going on so I sat on a chair on the porch fac­ing our front win­dow and dri­ve­way, freez­ing cold.

It was almost 30 min­utes lat­er before they retrieved our coats for us to put on.

They said the charge was that we had a poi­so­nous sub­stance in our house and that the kids were being exposed to it and it endan­gered their wel­fare. The sub­stance named in the report was MMS and we would have glad­ly giv­en it to them with­out a search war­rant because we knew noth­ing of the dan­gers of it from all our research. It is sold online as a water puri­fi­er and we are “prep­pers” so there is noth­ing unusu­al about us hav­ing it in our house.

Nev­er has it been used it in any way to “poi­son” our kids or even expose them in such a way as to endan­ger their lives. Nor did we feel we were endan­ger­ing them to have it in our house.

They said they still had to have all the kids checked out by a doc­tor and be test­ed for MMS expo­sure. Of the 12 emer­gency, state, coun­ty, fed­er­al, etc. vehi­cles, one was an ambu­lance and there hap­pened to be a doc­tor on board who could check them out with­out hav­ing to take them to the hospital.

Each of the kids had to be inter­viewed and our house was thor­ough­ly searched every­where for over 2 hours! Such inva­sion of pri­va­cy. Mean­while every­one we talked to at this point tried to be nice and answer our ques­tions as best they could.

We asked who made the charge and if any­one could just make any accu­sa­tion and they have to act on the call regard­less of its valid­i­ty. They said it could be a hate­ful neigh­bor, a prank caller, some­one with mali­cious intent and they still would have to act on the call.

The call was anony­mous and there­fore the caller was pro­tect­ed while all our rights were tak­en away.

I ques­tioned what the pos­si­bil­i­ty of our kids being tak­en away were if they deemed the charge true, know­ing that they would find the MMS which was not hid­den since we didn’t know of any dan­ger it pre­sent­ed. They talked like the inves­ti­ga­tion would be drawn out over a 45 day peri­od of time and that it would just involve the kids going to the Lit­tle Rock hos­pi­tal for the test to be done (hair fol­li­cle test, blood work etc.) and that there would be inter­views and vis­its etc.

We of course expressed all our con­cerns as to what this would do to the kids since they’ve nev­er been to the doc­tor for sick­ness or health issues and they’ve nev­er been away from us in that type of setting.

I insist­ed if we had to tol­er­ate such an order that I or we as their par­ents at least be present with them while the pro­ce­dures were done.

All our neigh­bors who passed by stopped and tried to find out what in the world was going on and they were all sent away with no expla­na­tion. Our guest who when they arrived tried to approach us on the porch did not get far onto our prop­er­ty before she was approach force­ful­ly with an “in your face” insis­tence that they leave.

I yelled to her to take pic­tures of all the vehi­cles with her phone since we were not allowed to do any­thing to pro­tect our own inno­cence at what they were doing to us.

It was about 2 hours before we were let back into our house and yet we still could not have any con­cerned neigh­bors come in and be wit­ness­es on our side. They were back and forth all over our house, inside and out­side, on the phone and talk­ing to us.

There were over 13 (I couldn’t keep track how many) dif­fer­ent author­i­ties here. Our phone rang like crazy and no one was allowed to answer it.

Final­ly one neigh­bor was able to come in and our phone became ours again. Dur­ing the times they weren’t talk­ing to us I made calls to the guest we were expect­ing and then some of our neigh­bors called to see what was going on. I couldn’t tell them how it would end but that I’d call them back after they left and let them know what all hap­pened. Our guest still planned to come after they left (they were just dri­ving around wait­ing for them to leave and the whole time they were here which end­ed up being around 5 hours) they kept say­ing “just a few more min­utes” or “I’m just wait­ing for one more phone call.”

There was nev­er any hint that they would take our kids from us.

They wait­ed till 15 min­utes before it was all over to come in from out­side, 6 intim­i­dat­ing brute look­ing males and 1 DHS female all lined up in our den to tell us they would be tak­ing our kids into their cus­tody for 72 hours.

DHS-Sheriffs-removing-Stanley-children DHS and sheriff removing children from home. Photo from Bringthestanleykidshome Facebook Page.

DHS and sher­iff remov­ing chil­dren from home. Pho­to from Bringth­es­tanleykid­shome Face­book Page.

All my niceties left me. I flipped out and told them that what they were going to do to our kids was way worse than what they were accus­ing us of. They were total­ly unjust and didn’t love our kids like we do….. on and on cry­ing at my help­less­ness to pro­tect my kids from total strangers who where going to take them away from us under the guise of “pro­tect­ing” them.

All the lit­tle kids were upset and Hal and I and the girls were all cry­ing and in shock.

They start­ed pack­ing stuff for our kids to have clothes and things while they were gone and my head was spin­ning in a night­mar­ish state. They tried to calm me down and I said I had every right to be upset with them because they were tak­ing my babies from me.

When I did calm down for the kids sake, and try to com­fort them they ripped them away from us say­ing that we had already tak­en too much time and that they had to go.

I grabbed my cam­era and start­ed fol­low­ing them to take pic­tures. The pic­tures did not come out very good because my mind couldn’t func­tion on how to oper­ate the cam­era in such a fren­zied state. It was on glit­ter mode which makes all the bright lit stuff sparkle. I’m very dis­ap­point­ed I didn’t get any pic­tures of all the peo­ple and vehi­cles that were there while it was still daylight.

I still can’t believe they are gone. I have no idea what will hap­pen tomor­row or what comes next.

Do We Now Live in a Police State? Take Action!

The fam­i­ly has request­ed that the pub­lic call the fol­low­ing people:

  • State Police Head­quar­ters: 501–767-8836
  • Kathy Finnegan 501–767-8550 (head inves­ti­ga­tor at State police depart­ment of our case.)
  • DHS Depart­ment 501–321-2583 on menu choose Dept. of Chil­dren and Family
  • Gar­land Coun­ty Sher­iff office Main Office Phone: (501) 622‑3660 ask why did Mike Write make the deci­sion to hold the Stan­ley kids?

Asa Hutchin­son is the Gov­er­nor, and can be con­tact­ed here. His Face­book Page is here. Phone num­ber is 501–682-2345.

Also, please con­tact Judge David Switzer in the Dis­trict Court of Gar­land Coun­ty:

David Switzer_201307091143027157 David Switzer. Public information from this source. Division 1 Judge Ph: 501-321-6765 Fx: 501-321-6764

David Switzer. Pub­lic infor­ma­tion from this source. Divi­sion 1 Judge Ph: 501–321-6765 Fx: 501–321-6764

Ask Judge Switzer why an order was issued to remove these children?

BringTheStanleyKidsHome Facebook Page.

BringTh­eS­tanleyKid­sHome Face­book Page.

The Stan­ley Fam­i­ly has set­up a Face­book Page: BringTh­eS­tanleyKid­sHome