Congress Quietly Decides To Delete Key NSA Reform In CRomnibus Agreement

You may recall, back in June, that there was a key House vote that took NSA sup­port­ers by sur­prise. An amend­ment to the Defense Appro­pri­a­tions bill pushed by a bi-par­ti­san team of Thomas Massie, Jim Sensen­bren­ner and Zoe Lof­gren passed over­whelm­ing­ly, with a plan to slam the door shut on ques­tion­able NSA “back­door search­es” (as […]

The Disappearing States

Jim Beers is a retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Excerpts from a recent news arti­cle from McClatchy Newspapers: Rise in trade spurs U.S. to pro­tect turtles 1.       “The U.S. gov­ern­ment is propos­ing a new lev­el of pro­tec­tion for cer­tain fresh­wa­ter tur­tles, con­cerned that a mas­sive increase in […]

Appeals Court to Hear Oral Arguments in Idaho Woman’s Case Against NSA Spying

EFF, ACLU Sup­port Smith in Fight­ing Mass Sur­veil­lance Before Ninth Circuit Seat­tle — An appeals court will hear oral argu­ments in Smith v. Oba­ma, a case filed by an Ida­ho nurse against a con­tro­ver­sial Nation­al Secu­ri­ty Agency (NSA) tele­phone data col­lec­tion pro­gram, in Seat­tle on Mon­day, Dec. 8. Attor­ney Peter Smith. Cred­it: Lukins & Annis Anna Smith, […]

Chinese Mom Spills The Red Beans!

Tells the truth about Com­mon Core being Communist!  Watch Lily’s speech by watch­ing the video. I have been warn­ing for years that this is Com­mu­nist. Here is an amaz­ing and coura­geous teti­mo­ny by Lily Tang Williams! Her speech is report­ed about in an arti­cle titled Chi­nese-Amer­i­can Mom Says Com­mon Core Is Just Like Edu­ca­tion in Com­mu­nist […]

Quietly Coercing a Vassals and Fiefdoms Future for All of Us While Hyping Economic Development

I actu­al­ly am not nos­tal­gic for the cas­tles, moats, or medieval armor. For one thing I like to cook, but not with­out cen­tral­ized plumb­ing or over an open hearth. No, I keep think­ing of terms from the Mid­dle Ages because pub­lic poli­cies being qui­et­ly enact­ed in the Unit­ed States as well as oth­er coun­tries via […]

Common Core Psych Data on Children

Ani­ta Hoge’s Call for Stu­dent Data Moratorium Receives Nation­al Attention Read the whole arti­cle by click­ing HERE The read­ers of abc­sof­dumb­down blog will want to know that the Press Release sent out last week by Penn­syl­va­nia par­ents and cit­i­zens gen­er­at­ed media atten­tion. Here is what we pub­lished on the blog: The Press Release was post­ed on […]

Houston Man Arrested for Video Recording Cop on Private Property

Footage shows offi­cer imme­di­ate­ly hand­cuff man for not obey­ing order Amidst a nation­al debate about police bru­tal­i­ty, anoth­er video has emerged of a police offi­cer arrest­ing some­one for video record­ing, this time on his own friend’s pri­vate property. The footage out of Hous­ton, Texas is all the more shock­ing because the cop doesn’t even try to […]

Give Gruber a Break

Jonathan Gru­ber, PhD  “Gruber’s inherent academic assumption of (ordinary) Americans’ stupidity is elucidated by Charlotte Iserbyt’s 1999 The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America…Gruber’s matter-of-fact pronouncement of the “stupidity” of Americans reflects his academic assumption of the success of government education, and validation of Iserbyt’s investigations into the education establishment.” Jonathan Gru­ber has been round­ly rep­ri­mand­ed in […]

Breastfed, Homebirthed Babies Taken Away From Parents For Not Using Hospital

FA Note: Agen­da 21’s intends con­trol over all sec­tors of life includ­ing that of birth and child rearing. The Ren­go Fam­i­ly: Cleave, Eri­ca, with 10 month old Levi, and new­born twins. The Ren­go Fam­i­ly place­ment hear­ing was continued…again…to Fri­day morn­ing at 9 a.m Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Jason Over­street, rep­re­sent­ing the 42nd dis­trict in Wash­ing­ton, and who has tak­en an inter­est […]

Opt Out of the Countywide Vision Plan & Common Core

FA Note: iAgenda21 is an affil­i­ate of the Amer­i­can Coali­tion for Sus­tain­able Com­mu­ni­ties (ACSC) — “Sus­tain­ing rep­re­sen­ta­tive gov­ern­ment.” Theirs is the type action that needs to be under­tak­en in every coun­ty in the country! New Report expos­es col­lec­tivist reg­u­la­tion, insti­tut­ed at tax­pay­er expense, in San Bernardi­no Coun­ty, Cal­i­for­nia. The report is authored by the Amer­i­can Coali­tion for […]

Disturbing testimony at hearing reveals what is at the core of Common Core support

Per­haps the most dis­turb­ing tes­ti­mo­ny pre­sent­ed to Wisconsin’s Assem­bly dur­ing a recent hear­ing on Com­mon Core was not about Com­mon Core at all. Super­in­ten­dent Nick Madi­son, of the Bril­lion School Dis­trict, offered the most reveal­ing look at the thought process behind the cur­rent pop­u­lar “reforms.” Madison’s dis­trict is sit­u­at­ed in a farm­ing com­mu­ni­ty of about […]

Lt. Gov.: Let’s scrap and replace Common Core in Mississippi

PHOTO BY: State of Mis­sis­sip­piSECOND IN COMMAND: Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves advo­cates the replace­ment of the state’s Com­mon Core curriculum. Com­mon Core in Mis­sis­sip­pi might be on the chop­ping block if Lt. Gov. Tate Reeves has his way. Reeves told Mis­sis­sip­pi Watch­dog in a phone inter­view Mon­day he sup­ports scrap­ping Com­mon Core and replac­ing it with anoth­er curriculum. […]

Pennsylvania Citizens Call for Moratorium on Data Collection

The Sto­ry Behind the Pennsylvania Press Release and Open Let­ter By Ani­ta Hoge, 3D Research Group Ani­ta B. Hoge   “I have grave con­cerns about the direc­tion that the Com­mon Core stan­dards move­ment has tak­en, as well as, my con­cerns of the ethics of test­ing and teach­ing in the affec­tive domain. I must ques­tion the legal­i­ty […]

Outdated essays on pocket gophers reveal lack of evidence for ESA listing

Sev­enth in a series on a new ESA list­ing. We will pub­lish addi­tions to the series if/as they are written. Unsup­port­ed claims in obscure essays from 1942, 1944, and 1960 have hurt a lot of peo­ple in south Thurston Coun­ty, Wash­ing­ton.  Oppres­sive laws are based on them—including the 2014 Endan­gered Species Act micro-list­ing of four Maza­ma […]

Cells of Insurrection

In what kind of twist­ed world would Oath Keep­ers – Oath Keep­ers to the Con­sti­tu­tion of the Unit­ed States, be con­sid­ered domes­tic ter­ror­ists? That’s the ques­tion that was asked last week in an inter­view with Stew­art Rhodes, Founder and Pres­i­dent of Oath Keepers. After lis­ten­ing to the inter­view, I thought I should check to see […]

Japanese scientists use surrogates to produce endangered species

Japan­ese sci­en­tists have devel­oped a new biotech­nol­o­gy tech­nique that uses mack­er­el as sur­ro­gates for bluefin tuna with the hope of sav­ing the prized species from extinction. Con­sid­ered a del­i­ca­cy in Japan­ese cui­sine, glob­als sup­plies of bluefin tuna have been dwin­dling, prompt­ing the Inter­na­tion­al Union for Con­ser­va­tion of Nature to put the fish onto its red list. […]

Oregon public school sex-ed conference promotes sex toys, sexting, and using meth to 11 year olds

FA Note:  Com­mon (Communist/Soviet) Core State Stan­dards were adopt­ed in Ore­gon in 2010. This con­fer­ence should sur­prise no one  when both Marx and Engels believed that mono­gomy and mar­riage were harm­ful to the “com­mune”. Life, body and love were to be public/communal property. Click HERE for KOIN News report on conference. What would you call an adult […]

Thanks, Property Rights!

FA Note:  The inter­na­tion­al treaties and agree­ments cit­ed in the ESA, which autho­rize the Act, were all nego­ti­at­ed to pro­tect each nation’s agri­cul­tur­al economies and the com­mu­ni­ties depen­dent on them. Sim­ple log­ic, and basic eco­nom­ics, both dic­tate — if a “mar­ket” exists/develops for any species, their num­bers will grow. This Thanks­giv­ing, I give thanks for some­thing our […]

In Recent Prairie Dog Case, the Federal Government Admits Something it Tries to Cover-Up

Lit­tle noticed in the recent court deci­sion about the Utah prairie dog, which struck down for the first time the list­ing of a species under the Endan­gered Species Act, is the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment admit­ted some­thing that it and oth­er pro­po­nents of the Act have long tried to con­ceal: the Act restricts and pre­vents oth­er­wise nor­mal […]

Anita Hoge’s OPEN LETTER to PA Dept of Ed’s Dumaresq

The fol­low­ing is the com­plete text of the for­mal let­ter that Ani­ta Hoge addressed to Car­olyn C. Dumaresq, Act­ing Sec­re­tary of the Penn­syl­va­nia Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion on Nov. 21st. This let­ter gives the full details behind the PRESS RELEASE issued sev­er­al days ago, which we pub­lished in its entire­ty on this blog (click HERE). Ani­ta […]

New paper finds strong evidence the Sun has controlled climate over the past 11,000 years, not CO2

THE HOCKEY SCHTICK If you can’t explain the ‘pause’, you can’t explain the cause… A paper pub­lished today (Decem­ber, 2014) in Jour­nal of Atmos­pher­ic and Solar-Ter­res­tri­al Physics finds a “strong and sta­ble cor­re­la­tion” between the mil­len­ni­al vari­a­tions in sunspots and the tem­per­a­ture in Antarc­ti­ca over the past 11,000 years. In stark con­trast, the authors find no […]

Censoring the Web Isn’t the Solution to Terrorism or Counterfeiting. It’s the Problem.

In pol­i­tics, as with Inter­net memes, ideas don’t spread because they are good—they spread because they are good at spread­ing. One of the most vir­u­lent ideas in Inter­net reg­u­la­tion in recent years has been the idea that if a social prob­lem man­i­fests on the Web, the best thing that you can do to address that […]

Grab Your Cameras, We Are Little Brother

 Note:  FA is not espous­ing an opin­ion or posi­tion here on racism in the Unit­ed States, or the killing of Michael Brown. We hope increased sun­light­ing through film­ing of author­i­ties will help restab­lish lib­er­ty, peace and jus­tice in this nation. Dystopi­an futures have always imag­ined gov­ern­ments oppress­ing us with sur­veil­lance. Under the all-see­ing, all-hear­ing eyes […]

PA Citizens Ask Gov. Corbett for Data Collection Moratorium

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE. Penn­syl­va­ni­ans Restor­ing Education Con­tacts: Ani­ta B Hoge 724–263-0474 Cheryl Boise 412–389-6896 Ryan Ban­nis­ter 717–919-2122 Rich Felice 484–678-2236 Novem­ber 24, 2014. Har­ris­burg, Pa; Penn­syl­va­ni­ans Restor­ing Edu­ca­tion, Penn­syl­va­nia Against Com­mon Core, cit­i­zens of Penn­syl­va­nia, par­ents and stu­dents are ask­ing Gov­er­nor Cor­bett to place a mora­to­ri­um on the data col­lec­tion in the Penn­syl­va­nia Infor­ma­tion Man­age­ment […]