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Charlotte Thomson IserbytObama launches $1 billion early education plan

Com­men­tary by Mary Thomp­son, 3D Research Group

Here we go… offi­cial full throt­tle for the “ear­ly learn­ing” agen­da, uni­ver­sal “preschool,” womb to tomb train­ing ( called edu­ca­tion). All the buzz words and play­ers are on stage: Oba­ma, Dun­can, and oth­er “stooges” includ­ing a “local sher­iff from Ohio.” Read the excerpt­ed por­tions of the AP sto­ry below:

Asso­ci­at­ed Press sto­ry HERE

WASHINGTON (AP) — Declar­ing ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion “one of the best invest­ments we can make,” Pres­i­dent Barack Oba­ma on Wednes­day fol­lowed up on a promise to expand ear­ly edu­ca­tion oppor­tu­ni­ties for tens of thou­sands of chil­dren by announc­ing $1 bil­lion in pub­lic-pri­vate spend­ing on pro­grams for young learners.

Oba­ma said that less than one-third of 4‑year-olds are enrolled in preschool and blamed the high cost of these pro­grams for essen­tial­ly shut­ting off access to poor­er infants, tod­dlers and preschool­ers. He said stud­ies repeat­ed­ly show that chil­dren who are edu­cat­ed ear­ly in life are more like­ly to fin­ish their edu­ca­tions, avoid the crim­i­nal jus­tice sys­tem, hold good jobs and have sta­ble fam­i­lies. All those fac­tors are good for the U.S. and its econ­o­my over­all, Oba­ma said.

To cre­ate or expand high-qual­i­ty preschool pro­grams, the Edu­ca­tion Depart­ment award­ed almost $250 mil­lion in grants to 18 states. They are: Alaba­ma, Ari­zona, Arkansas, Con­necti­cut, Hawaii, Illi­nois, Louisiana, Maine, Mary­land, Mass­a­chu­setts, Mon­tana, Neva­da, New Jer­sey, New York, Rhode Island, Ten­nessee, Ver­mont and Vir­ginia. In all, 36 states had applied for the grant money.

On top of the fed­er­al mon­ey is more than $330 mil­lion from dozens of cor­po­ra­tions, foun­da­tions and indi­vid­u­als. That mon­ey is part of a new cam­paign called Invest in US.

The effort being led by the First Five Years Fund will chal­lenge the pri­vate and pub­lic sec­tors to spend more on ear­ly child­hood edu­ca­tion. Among those sup­port­ing the cam­paign are The Walt Dis­ney Co.with $55 mil­lion in learn­ing apps and books, the LEGO Foun­da­tion with $5 mil­lion and the J.B. and M.K. Pritzk­er Fam­i­ly Foun­da­tion with $25 million.

Vice Pres­i­dent Joe Biden closed the sum­mit by ask­ing the audi­ence to imag­ine if each of the coun­try’s 40 mil­lion 4‑year-olds had a chance to attend preschool. “This is tan­gi­ble … Every child is capa­ble of suc­ceed­ing. They just need a chance,” he said. [empha­sis added]

Note the slip of terms in this AP news arti­cle. Oba­ma is report­ed  to say the usu­al lines about the so called ben­e­fits of preschools (ear­ly learn­ing). He is report­ed to have stat­ed: “Less  than one third of 4 year olds are involved in preschool” and he blamed the high cost of these pro­grams for essen­tial­ly cut­ting off access to poor­er INFANTS, TODDLERS, AND PRESCHOOLERS. Note: INFANTS AND TODDLERS. Some­times the real agen­da is revealed by the per­pe­tra­tors in their own slip of words. Here is what the White House reports in its “FACT SHEET: Invest in US: The White House Sum­mit on Ear­ly Child­hood Education”:

Make no mis­take about it, this thrust for nation­al preschool for 4 year olds is only the toe dipped in the water for what the real agen­da is. It has been spelled out in many places and  many times, but here it is in no uncer­tain terms. The agen­da is Ear­ly Learn­ing over­seen by pub­lic-pri­vate inter­ests begin­ning at birth… even before if oth­er sources are tapped.

Who are the pri­vate enti­ties report­ed­ly to “part­ner with gov­ern­ment?  Exam­ples of part­ners are: Buf­fet Ear­ly Child­hood Foun­da­tion (remem­ber War­ren Buf­fett gave his mon­ey to Bill and Malin­da Gates Foun­da­tion to use as they saw fit), the Dis­ney Com­pa­ny, Unit­ed Par­cel Ser­vice. Note eigh­teen states named to receive the grants. Here is a list of the pub­lic-pri­vate part­ners from the White House website:

Lets see how many of the those who con­cen­trat­ed com­plete­ly on fight­ing Com­mon Core will direct as much effort toward fight­ing the cra­dle snatch­ers who just par­tic­i­pat­ed in this U.S. Health and Human Ser­vices Con­fer­ence, 12/10/2014.

Don’t snatch me!