Woman Tasered By Police For Filming Man’s Arrest

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Kianga Mwamba

Kian­ga Mwamba

FA Note:  Remem­ber, every­thing about Agen­da 21 is about control.

A Bal­ti­more, Mary­land woman was tasered by police for video-record­ing police. The offi­cers were engaged in a sep­a­rate arrest, which the woman explains did not seem right. So she hit record on her cell phone.

Offi­cers imme­di­ate­ly sprung into attack mode, yelling “you a dumb bitch!” as one of the offi­cers yanked her from her vehicle.

Now, 36-year-old Kian­ga Mwam­ba is suing the Bal­ti­more City Police Depart­ment for damages.

Kian­ga was dri­ving home on March 30th of this year when the melee ensued.

You telling me I can’t record,” Kian­ga can be heard say­ing on the video as police tell her to leave the scene.

I’ll park. I’ll park. I’ll park,” she explains, so the police can­not have any legal prob­lem with her actions.

Sud­den­ly an offi­cer yells, “Out of the car. Out of the car.”

Then Kian­ga yells out in pain: “He burn­ing me. He burn­ing me!”

Police tried to erase the 135-sec­ond video from her phone, but the video was already on the cloud account, and she eas­i­ly retrieved it later.

The Cir­cuit Court for Bal­ti­more City law­suit says that Kian­go is seek­ing $7 mil­lion in dam­ages from the city.

The law­suit also says that Mwam­ba was arrest­ed on assault charges but those charges were lat­er dropped. An offi­cer can be heard say­ing on the video: “You a dumb bitch, you know that?”

What did I do?” she responds.

You just tried to run over an offi­cer,” the offi­cer alleges, even though it was clear that noth­ing of the sort had transpired.