Think Concept, Concept, Concept

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Charlotte Thomson IserbytNew arti­cle by Mary Thompson

Mary Thompson NWV
Mary Thomp­son has just post­ed a new arti­cle on NewsWithViews.comThink Con­cept, Con­cept, Con­cept,” and it is a must-read! In this arti­cle Mary shares more of her mem­oirs. This is infor­ma­tion that the young gen­er­a­tion needs to know. Below are just a few fas­ci­nat­ing paragraphs:

It is this writer’s con­tention that so much of “gov­ern­ment” was “local” or “state” until the 1930’s and FDR’s New Deal which fos­tered the mind­set of look­ing to Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment for solu­tions. The very recent series of episodes about the Roo­sevelt Fam­i­ly broad­cast on PBS tele­vi­sion, revis­it­ed the FDR era as the cat­a­lyst years instru­men­tal in cre­at­ing the sec­ond order change result­ing in the 80 year’s march toward a col­lec­tivist Amer­i­ca. Sec­ond Order change has been defined as: decid­ing or being forced to do some­thing sig­nif­i­cant­ly or fun­da­men­tal­ly dif­fer­ent from what has been known or done before, until the change becomes an accept­ed val­ue judg­ment or way of life.

Mary T quoteThis writer lived through the 1930’s, and still retains vivid child­hood mem­o­ries of the days of FDR and the relent­less intro­duc­tion of fed­er­al gov­ern­ment pro­grams and more fed­er­al gov­ern­ment pro­grams which alarmed the adults in this writer’s fam­i­ly and oth­ers. The cur­rent TV series about the Roo­sevelts, por­trayed the 1930’s as near uni­ver­sal grat­i­tude for the Nation­al Pro­grams and all ears glued to fam­i­ly radios to lis­ten to FDR’s “Fire­side Chats” as the sec­u­lar sav­ior of the nation. What the TV series didn’t report was the exis­tence of Amer­i­cans who weren’t deceived by the glib rhetoric who rec­og­nized the times as ground­work being laid for a col­lec­tivist (Com­mu­nist Amer­i­ca). As a child I heard the dis­cus­sion and anguish re: the left turn the nation was under­go­ing with FDR at the helm of the ship of state.

Keep read­ing HERE.

If you enjoy Mary’s writ­ings, you can also access her on the DVD Expos­ing the Glob­al Road to Ruin Through Edu­ca­tion avail­able at