Governors Closing Barn Doors After Horse has Bolted!

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Charlotte Thomson Iserbytor… BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR!

The above cit­ed arti­cle by Dr. Susan Berry, pub­lished on Dec. 6, 2014, went on to report the increas­ing unpop­u­lar­i­ty of Jeb Bush’s con­tin­ued dri­ve for Com­mon Core:

With polls show­ing Repub­li­can sup­port for Com­mon Core plum­met­ing, com­mon sense would dic­tate that Bush call it a day with the nation­al­ized stan­dards, as has been done by oth­er Repub­li­cans, such as Maine Gov. Paul LeP­age…

Read the remain­der of this arti­cle. It also goes on to report that

Bush is also the founder and chair­man of Foun­da­tion for Florida’s Future, a statewide group that says its mis­sion is to “make Florida’s edu­ca­tion sys­tem a mod­el for the nation.”

Jeb Bush wikiThose famil­iar with Com­mon Core will note that FEE’s “reform agen­da” includes col­lege and career readi­ness; dig­i­tal learn­ing; effec­tive teach­ers and lead­ers – a goal that observes the need to elim­i­nate tenure and uti­lize stu­dent assess­ments to deter­mine teacher per­for­mance rat­ings; K‑3 read­ing assess­ments; out­come-based fund­ing; school choice; stan­dards and account­abil­i­ty – which includes “high aca­d­e­m­ic stan­dards with their progress mea­sured,” and grad­ing schools on an A‑F scale.

Not sur­pris­ing­ly, the reform agen­da for Foun­da­tion for Florida’s Future is near­ly iden­ti­cal to that of FEE.

Addi­tion­al­ly, Bush has joined with for­mer pres­i­dent of the pro-Com­mon Core Ford­ham Insti­tute Chester Finn and the U.S. Cham­ber of Com­merce in Con­ser­v­a­tives for High­er Stan­dards, a group that pro­motes the Com­mon Core stan­dards but whose sup­port­ers still call them­selves “con­ser­v­a­tives.” Among the organization’s sup­port­ers are Sen. Lamar Alexan­der (R‑TN), soon-to-be head of the Sen­ate com­mit­tee that over­sees edu­ca­tion; for­mer Mis­sis­sip­pi Gov. Haley Bar­bour ®; for­mer U.S. Sec­re­tary of Edu­ca­tion Bill Ben­nett; Iowa Gov. Ter­ry Branstad ®; Ten­nessee Gov. Bill Haslam ®; for­mer Arkansas Gov. Mike Huck­abee ®; and New Mex­i­co Gov. Susana Mar­tinez ®. [links removed, all empha­sis added] 

LePageMaine Gov­er­nor Le Page called me one day before his inau­gu­ra­tion four years ago (he was re-elect­ed last Novem­ber!) to ask why I dis­ap­proved of char­ter schools which is the major part of Ex-Gov. Jeb Bush’s Foun­da­tion for Excel­lence in Edu­ca­tion (FEE) agenda.

[Steve Schran, pub­lic school teacher, and I attend­ed a Governor/Maine Com­mis­sion­er-approved FEE (Bush/Levesque/Jeanne Allen, for­mer­ly with Her­itage Foundation/former Flori­da Ed, Supt. Tony Ben­nett) road show con­fer­ence that came into Maine with all its bells and whis­tles two years ago to push for tax-fund­ed pub­lic school choice and char­ters with no elect­ed boards. Steve and I tried to speak against this tax-fund­ed school choice agen­da, but were not allowed to do so; in oth­er words we were told to “shut up.”]

Con­tin­u­ing with my con­ver­sa­tion with Gov­er­nor LePage:

GOVERNOR: “Mrs. Iser­byt, what prob­lems do you have with char­ter schools?” And then he gave all the rea­sons naive Amer­i­cans have bought into on why char­ters will save Amer­i­can edu­ca­tion from catastrophe.

CHARLOTTE’S RESPONSE: “Char­ter schools are pub­lic schools, Gov­er­nor. The only dif­fer­ence between a char­ter school and a pub­lic school is that pub­lic schools have a school board elect­ed by all the tax­pay­ing vot­ers of the munic­i­pal­i­ty. Char­ter schools are run by unelect­ed boards/councils. There­fore, they do not rep­re­sent the tax­pay­ers who are pay­ing for the schools. They do not allow taxpayers/parents a say in what goes on in the school. This is tax­a­tion with­out representation.”

GOVERNOR: “Oh, well, we will have to do some­thing about that.”

CHARLOTTE’S RESPONSE: ” Gov­er­nor… if you do some­thing about that, you will be right back where you are now with a pub­lic school with an elect­ed school board.”

So, four years lat­er, Gov. LeP­age who became so famous across the coun­try as the con­ser­v­a­tive Repub­li­cans’ sav­ior, push­ing Com­mu­nist Core and Tax-Fund­ed School Choice and Char­ters (with unelect­ed boards) is with­draw­ing from com­mu­nist Core?

I have one ques­tion left for him, and all the anti-Com­mu­nist Core tax-fund­ed/ pro school choice Gov­er­nors, although I doubt he or they will want to talk to me:

Mr. Gov­er­nor, do you real­ly believe that your with­draw­ing Maine from the Com­mu­nist Core stan­dards is going to get rid of the Com­mu­nist Core Stan­dards? Don’t you real­ize that stu­dents in tax-fund­ed char­ter schools, which you sup­port, will have the fed­er­al­ly-fund­ed Com­mu­nist Core once they move out of the pub­lic school sys­tem and into a tax-fund­ed pub­lic char­ter school?”

The rea­son for that is very sim­ple: Com­mu­nist Core is not new it is just the lat­est label for the national/international cur­ricu­lum nec­es­sary for the Marx­ist brain­wash­ing of stu­dents for life in a total­i­tar­i­an glob­al sys­tem and for lim­it­ed learn­ing for life­long labor.



And the par­ents of those stu­dents in the long-planned new form of edu­ca­tion (tax-fund­ed char­ter schools run by unelect­ed coun­cils which is being used in Rus­sia and many oth­er schools inter­na­tion­al­ly as well) won’t have any­where to go to com­plain about the Com­mu­nist Core since char­ter schools do not have elect­ed school boards.”

Is it any won­der Jeb Bush, part of a famous CFR-con­nect­ed inter­na­tion­al­ist fam­i­ly, would sup­port this long-planned Com­mu­nist Core (Marx­ist planned econ­o­my) curriculum?

One almost has to give him cred­it for stick­ing to his glob­al­ist COMMUNIST CORE principles.

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