Oregon public school sex-ed conference promotes sex toys, sexting, and using meth to 11 year olds

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FA Note:  Com­mon (Communist/Soviet) Core State Stan­dards were adopt­ed in Ore­gon in 2010. This con­fer­ence should sur­prise no one  when both Marx and Engels believed that mono­gomy and mar­riage were harm­ful to the “com­mune”. Life, body and love were to be public/communal property.

Click HERE for KOIN News report on conference.

Click HERE for KOIN News report on conference.

What would you call an adult stranger who teach­es your 11 year old where to look for pornog­ra­phy, how to sext with their friends, and how to use meth to pro­long your sex­u­al expe­ri­ences?  How about “pub­lic educator.”

Here’s KOIN News’s report on the conference:

from Ecu­ca­tion Action Group (empha­sis mine):

…chil­dren as young as 11 attend the annu­al con­fer­ence that has been held for some 20 years, accord­ing to KOIN 6 News.

Orga­niz­ers say the con­fer­ence is mere­ly intend­ed to pro­mote “pro­mote safe sex and pre­vent teen preg­nan­cy,” but the group Par­ents Rights in Edu­ca­tion says it’s a whole lot more than that.


A pam­phlet dis­trib­uted at the ses­sion sug­gest­ed dif­fer­ent things chil­dren can do togeth­er, includ­ing, “bathing togeth­er, shav­ing each oth­er, wear­ing each other’s under­wear, role play­ing, buy­ing an extra-large pair of paja­ma bot­toms to sleep in togeth­er, lap dances and strip teas­es,” KOIN reports.

Anoth­er exam­ple float­ed by Sil­ver­berg includ­ed “how to plea­sure some­one else over the Inter­net.”

Teledil­don­ics basi­cal­ly refers to the con­trol of sex toys over the Inter­net; the remote use of sex toys,” the speak­er said, accord­ing to the news station.

In addi­tion to the con­tent from the Vir­tu­al Fem web­site, numer­ous hand­outs, such as one that encour­ages cyber and phone sex, are passed out to high school and mid­dle school stu­dents in atten­dance.

One such hand­out explains “How to get your groove on flu­id free.”

Watch porn, lube, do it in front of a mir­ror, do it while some­one else is watch­ing,” PRE’s Porter says of the session’s sug­ges­tions.

A sam­pling of the lessons shocked those that reviewed them.

All kinds of speak­ers about Inter­net porn, using Inter­net sex toys, using meth as is shown in this book for when you’re engag­ing in sex. It encour­ages using meth because it helps your sex­u­al dri­ve and what not in here,” says Lisa Mal­oney, a board mem­ber in the Scap­poose School District.

It says in this book­let that was hand­ed out and giv­en out to all young people.”

Meth is wide­ly used for a mil­lion rea­sons to have lots of sex with lots of part­ners for long peri­ods,” one of the hand­outs reads.


One attendee man­aged to record audio of a speak­er encour­ag­ing chil­dren to use inter­net-con­trolled sex toys.

Here’s that audio: 

In vir­tu­al­ly any oth­er cir­cum­stance, this expe­ri­ence would be a crim­i­nal case of sex­u­al abuse of a minor.  Per­verts are pros­e­cut­ed all the time for send­ing lewd com­mu­ni­ca­tions to minors and expos­ing minors to pornog­ra­phy and lewd acts.  But when the tax­pay­er pays for some­body to expose their chil­dren to lewd acts, it’s called “pub­lic education.”