Common Core Charter Village Hub Schools

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 Farrell (Pennsylvania) "hub" community education diagram

Far­rell (Penn­syl­va­nia) “hub” com­mu­ni­ty edu­ca­tion diagram

Rus­sia has been a key play­er in devel­op­ing TAX-FUNDED SCHOOL ’ ”CHOICE& CHARTERS WITHOUT ELECTED BOARDS and its cor­re­spond­ing COMMUNITY EDUCATION!

Some his­to­ry fol­lows, start­ing with the Full-Ser­vice Com­mu­ni­ty Schools Act of 2014 and going back to the 1946 Mont­gomery Coun­ty, Mary­land pilot project which was the begin­ning of the demise of our rep­re­sen­ta­tive repub­lic, to be replaced by socialism/communism. This pilot project, inter­est­ing­ly enough, fol­lowed the Unit­ed States join­ing the Com­mu­nist Unit­ed Nations in 1945!

Watch Hoyer's speech by clicking HERE.

Watch Hoy­er’s speech by click­ing HERE.

(1) 2014: Con­gress­man Ste­ny Hoy­er: Floor State­ments: “Hoy­er: Full-Ser­vice Com­mu­ni­ty Schools Act Will Help Close Achieve­ment Gap.” The most recent Full-Ser­vice Com­mu­ni­ty Schools Act intro­duced in Con­gress July 23, 2104: Con­gress­man Ste­ny H. Hoy­er (MD) spoke on the House Floor ear­li­er this morn­ing on the Full-Ser­vice Com­mu­ni­ty Schools Act of 2014, which he is intro­duc­ing today with Rep. Aaron Schock (R‑IL). Read his remarks and watch the video:

Full-ser­vice com­mu­ni­ty schools are an inno­v­a­tive approach to help stu­dents and their par­ents access a full range of crit­i­cal ser­vices all in one place. Let me empha­size, these are ser­vices that are cur­rent­ly avail­able but not as acces­si­ble because they are not cen­tral­ized. We will encour­age com­mu­ni­ties to put togeth­er the ser­vices that they already pro­vide in an acces­si­ble way for chil­dren and their families.

For low-income par­ents work­ing mul­ti­ple jobs as they send their kids to school, find­ing time to pro­vide them with ade­quate check­ups and den­tal screen­ing is often very dif­fi­cult. The full-com­mu­ni­ty schools mod­el locates these ser­vices at their chil­dren’s school along with nutri­tion­al coun­sel­ing, finan­cial lit­er­a­cy edu­ca­tion, and adult class­es – ser­vices that in most com­mu­ni­ties are already offered – to make it eas­i­er for both stu­dents and par­ents to access these ser­vices under one roof. It also helps ensure par­ents have the tools they need to sup­port their chil­dren’s learn­ing, so crit­i­cal­ly impor­tant to the children’s suc­cess. (Source) [bold added]

(2) 2014: “The Delib­er­ate Dumb­ing Down of the Vil­lage: How New Orleans Char­ter Schools have become the Glob­al Mod­el for the Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion Agen­da,” July 8, 2014. This arti­cle was also post­ed at NewsWith­Views on July 12, 2014. Below are some open­ing quotes:

“OPEN is a hub of hubs." Orleans Public Education Network (OPEN), funded by W.K Kellogg Foundation

OPEN is a hub of hubs.“
Orleans Pub­lic Edu­ca­tion Net­work (OPEN), fund­ed by W.K Kel­logg Foundation

…New Orleans is… the nation’s first and only all-char­ter school dis­trict,
the Recov­ery School Dis­trict [RSD]. The sys­tem of
char­ter schools, which are run by pri­vate groups
instead of a pub­licly-elect­ed board.…RSD focus­es less on the ABC’s and
more on holis­tic child development,
includ­ing top­ics like social­iza­tion, inde­pen­dence, self-control,
com­mu­ni­ca­tion skills and accept­ing respon­si­bil­i­ty.  

To come back, Cowen [Insti­tute] decid­ed: ‘We have to build a vil­lage’.”

(3) 2000: Russ­ian Con­fer­ence on Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion: “Com­mu­ni­ty Schools and Edu­ca­tion Pol­i­cy in Tran­si­tion Coun­tries Dur­ing the 21st Cen­tu­ry” from the Cen­ter for Civ­il Society:

Octo­ber 9–13, 2000 in Omsk (Siberia), Rus­sia, Kras­no­yarsk Center
for Com­mu­ni­ty Part­ner­ships (KCCP) togeth­er with Orga­niz­ing Committee
of Omsk City Com­mu­ni­ty Schools (Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion of Omsk
Region­al Admin­is­tra­tion, Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion of Omsk City
Admin­is­tra­tion, Pub­lic schools # 49, 63, 95, 142) is con­duct­ing an
inter­na­tion­al con­fer­ence on com­mu­ni­ty education/community schools in
tran­si­tion countries.

Con­fer­ence Goal
Estab­lish­ing part­ner­ship between gov­ern­ment edu­ca­tion depart­ments and
the com­mu­ni­ty school move­ment. As a result: increas­ing num­ber of
gov­ern­ment pro­grams and pro­ce­dures to estab­lish com­mu­ni­ty schools as
part of the edu­ca­tion pol­i­cy in tran­si­tion coun­tries. [bold added]Soviets

(4) 1999: An arti­cle was pub­lished titled “Clus­ters Pro­mote Com­mu­ni­ty Growth” that described a sec­ond-step phase of a “sys­tems change” effort out­lined in a joint pub­li­ca­tion from the U.S. Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion and the U.S. Depart­ment of Health and Human Ser­vices, Togeth­er We Can. The arti­cle described the shift from rep­re­sen­ta­tive (elect­ed) gov­er­nance to region­al (unelect­ed) gov­er­nance with partnerships:

Unique groups called Com­mu­ni­ty Clus­ter Care Teams were born last April, com­prised of 12 Gwin­nett com­mu­ni­ties, and have tak­en their first steps toward unit­ing sec­tions of the coun­ty into neigh­bor­hoods. [excerpt­ed from page 439 of my book, empha­sis added] 

Soviet propaganda for Young Pioneers

Sovi­et pro­pa­gan­da for Young Pioneers

(5) 1992: Rus­sia was deeply involved in imple­ment­ing school choice/charters nec­es­sary for school to work (lim­it­ed learn­ing for life­long labor). The Effec­tive School Report’s Feb. 1992 issue car­ried an arti­cle titled “Free Edu­ca­tion in a Free Soci­ety” that con­clud­ed, in part:

The edu­ca­tion reform process will be built on the work of many small groups mak­ing their own deci­sions. We will need to build into our project struc­ture of con­tract mak­ing (char­ters, ed), inter­de­pen­dence with auton­o­my and hold it with­in a reg­u­lat­ed and bound­aried field of action. These kinds of struc­tures and mod­els are new forms of orga­ni­za­tion for both East and West and rep­re­sent a move away from hier­ar­chy and role-dom­i­nat­ed cultures.

The Con­sor­tium activ­i­ty has the offi­cial sup­port of the Min­is­ter of Edu­ca­tion for the Russ­ian Repub­lic, Dr. Edouard Dne­prov. [excerpt­ed from p. 292–3 of my book, empha­sis added] 

Dr. Lepley's community "hub" article

Dr. Lep­ley’s com­mu­ni­ty “hub” article

(6) 1989: “Edu­ca­tion in the Future: 21st Cen­tu­ry Schools Will Offer Learn­ing for All Cit­i­zens” was pub­lished in The Mus­ca­tine [Iowa] Journal’s April 22, 1989 issue. It artic­u­lat­ed Dr. William Lep­ley (at that time direc­tor of Iowa’s Depart­ment of Edu­ca­tion) vision for the school as “hub” for all com­mu­ni­ty ser­vices and life needs. At the time Iowans referred to his vision of the school super­in­ten­den­t’s intru­sive role over­see­ing the entire com­mu­ni­ty as a “pseu­do-benev­o­lent godfather”:


Dr. William Lepley's Iowa "hub" model

Dr. William Lep­ley’s Iowa “hub” model

The ide­al school hous­es social agen­cies such as health, job, and human ser­vice agen­cies, child care and serves as the community’s senior cit­i­zen vol­un­teer cen­ter, [Dr. Lep­ley] said. And adults come to ide­al schools—open round the clock—for edu­ca­tion­al oppor­tu­ni­ties rang­ing from child­birth and par­ent­ing class­es to pre-retire­ment plan­ning, he added. In the ide­al com­mu­ni­ty, Lep­ley said, the super­in­ten­dent coor­di­nates chil­dren and fam­i­ly ser­vices, in addi­tion to edu­ca­tion. [excerpt­ed from page 253 of my book, empha­sis added] 

(7) 1985: Sovi­ets in the Class­room! Pres­i­dent Rea­gan-USSR Pres­i­dent Gor­bachev (US-USSR Edu­ca­tion Agree­ments) signed in 1985. The agree­ments called for

coop­er­a­tion in the field of sci­ence and tech­nol­o­gy and addi­tion­al agree­ments in oth­er spe­cif­ic fields, includ­ing the human­i­ties and social sci­ences; the facil­i­ta­tion of the exchange by appro­pri­ate orga­ni­za­tions of edu­ca­tion­al and teach­ing mate­ri­als, includ­ing text­books, syl­labi, and cur­ric­u­la, mate­ri­als on method­ol­o­gy, sam­ples of teach­ing instru­ments and audio­vi­su­al aids, and the exchange of pri­ma­ry and sec­ondary school text­books and oth­er teach­ing mate­ri­als… [and] the con­duct­ing of joint stud­ies on text­books between appro­pri­ate orga­ni­za­tions in the Unit­ed States and the Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion of the U.S.S.R.” [Read more in Appen­dix XXIII of my book]

From Feld's expose on "Community Education," p. 55

From Feld’s expose on “Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion,” p. 55

(8) 1980: Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion, described by Ruth Feld and Jil Wil­son in the Expos­ing the Glob­al Road to Ruin through Edu­ca­tion, Disc #8, (Writ­ten Sub­mis­sions) is at, as a free down­load web­site (Click HERE). Also read this blog­post: “Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion & UN Agen­da 21.” This remark­ably well-doc­u­ment­ed his­to­ry of the Com­mu­ni­ty Edu­ca­tion move­ment is essen­tial for a com­plete under­stand­ing of the almost one hun­dred year com­mu­nist plan to put the USA and oth­er coun­tries under Lim­it­ed Learn­ing for Life­long Labor/Community Education/Communism. Savvy edu­ca­tion activist/researchers/writers and ELECTED school board mem­bers fought “them” and post­poned full imple­men­ta­tion by 18 years!

(9) 1946: Com­mu­ni­ty-Cen­tered Schools, The Blue­print, Mont­gomery Coun­ty, Mary­land schools. Imme­di­ate­ly after USA joined the Unit­ed Nations. Let­ter of trans­mit­tal states:

[The] pro­gram should be put into oper­a­tion grad­u­al­ly… and Dr. Paul Mort and oth­ers have accu­mu­lat­ed evi­dence which shows a peri­od of almost fifty years between the estab­lish­ment of need (need assess­ment, etc.) and the school pro­grams geared to meet it.

If the school as an agency of soci­ety is to jus­ti­fy itself for the peri­od ahead of us, it must be accept­ed that its fun­da­men­tal func­tion is to serve the peo­ple of the entire com­mu­ni­ty, the very young chil­dren, the chil­dren of mid­dle years, ear­ly ado­les­cent youth, old­er youth and the adults as well. [Excerpt­ed from Appen­dix 1 of my book, empha­sis added] 

To read more, see my book the delib­er­ate dumb­ing down of amer­i­ca and read the fol­low­ing blogposts: