PRESS RELEASE: ESA Protection Sought For Imperiled Yellowstone Bison

Peer-reviewed research shows Yel­low­stone wolves pick their prey based on pack size  FA Note:   Both wolves and griz­zly bears are “Key­stone” species, intro­duced and/or “man­aged” to estab­lish and main­tain “healthy” ecosys­tems and pop­u­la­tions; pop­u­la­tions that kill and eat bison. Also, the Yel­low­stone bison herd was enlarged with pri­vate herd stock intro­duced by the U.S. Army in 1902. Buf­fa­lo Field Cam­paign and […]

Climatologist: 30-Year Cold Spell Strikes Earth

John Casey is a for­mer White House space pro­gram advi­sor, con­sul­tant to NASA Head­quar­ters, and space shut­tle engi­neer. He is now one of America’s most suc­cess­ful cli­mate change researchers and cli­mate pre­dic­tion experts. With nasty cold fronts thrust­ing an icy and ear­ly win­ter across the con­ti­nen­tal U.S. — along with last win­ter described by USA […]

Population reduction white paper argues that the killing of 2 billion people still isn’t enough

In the mod­ern era, uber-left wing aca­d­e­mics who view envi­ron­men­tal­ism as a reli­gion and take on blind faith that the world is being destroyed by the infes­ta­tion of human beings have long con­sid­ered and dis­cussed how best to achieve “pop­u­la­tion con­trol” and even pop­u­la­tion reduction. Most have been care­ful not to actu­al­ly state what it […]

The matter of Psychological Warfare

Stephen L. Wilmeth Tyranny of the Crown The mat­ter of Psy­cho­log­i­cal Warfare Per­vert­ed Laws Two years ago we watched with alarm and dread as the EPA case played out against the Ida­ho cou­ple attempt­ing to build their dream house on the Priest Lake shore. Uni­lat­er­al­ly, the EPA deter­mined the lot the cou­ple had pur­chased was a wet­land. […]