Federal Judge Says Public Has Right To Know About FBI’s Biometric Database, Awards $20,000 In Legal Fees To FOIA Requester

Anoth­er win for the Elec­tron­ic Pri­va­cy Infor­ma­tion Cen­ter (EPIC) and the Amer­i­can pub­lic in gen­er­al. A fed­er­al judge has ruled the pub­lic has the right to know cer­tain details about the FBI’s facial recog­ni­tion data­base. U.S. Dis­trict Judge Tanya Chutkan said the bureau’s Next Gen­er­a­tion Iden­ti­fi­ca­tion pro­gram rep­re­sents a “sig­nif­i­cant pub­lic inter­est” due to con­cerns […]

Leading Scientists, Over 200 Groups and Companies Call for Monarch Protection

FA note:  Listing the Monarch butterfly under the Endangered Species Act would have a significant impact over much of the United States, especially considering their fall migration pattern.  Monarch But­ter­fly Fall Migra­tion Pat­terns. Base map source: USGS Nation­al Atlas. Broad Coali­tion Sup­ports Peti­tion to Pro­tect Monarch But­ter­flies as Threat­ened under Endan­gered Species Act WASHINGTON—(ENEWSPF)–November 13, 2014. […]