Common Core’s UNESCO Roots

MICROSOFT & UNESCO (Source) Socialist/international edu­ca­tion his­to­ry is repeat­ing itself for the umpteenth time with UNESCO and Microsoft in 2004 extend­ing their non-aca­d­e­mic/­col­lec­tivist womb-to-tomb ten­ta­cles into teacher edu­ca­tion in the Asia Pacif­ic region. Here is an excerpt from the UNESCO web­page you see above: Project « Next Gen­er­a­tion of Teachers » The first oper­a­tional ini­tia­tive was under­tak­en […]

Testing for Explosives in the Chicago Subway

Bruce Schneier As with all aspects of the New World Order — It’s All About Control Chica­go is doing ran­dom explo­sives screen­ings at ran­dom L stops in the Chica­go area. Com­pli­ance is voluntary: Police made no arrests but one rid­er refused to sub­mit to the screen­ing and left the sta­tion with­out inci­dent, Mal­oney said. […] Pas­sen­gers […]