The Common Core Charter School Agenda

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Charlotte Thomson IserbytThe elec­tion is over. What next?”

Exhibit A: Letter from Nina Rees, 11/6/14

Exhib­it A: Let­ter from Nina Rees, 11/6/14

The char­ter school agen­da is crank­ing up into high gear. This quote at the top was in the “Sub­ject” line of an e‑mail from Nina Rees of the Nation­al Alliance for Pub­lic Char­ter Schools sent today (11/6/14). This is the planned agen­da for the char­ter schools now that the elec­tions are over. While many con­ser­v­a­tives are out in the polit­i­cal world oppos­ing the CRISIS of Com­mon Core, few real­ize that the SOLUTION of Char­ter Schools will effec­tu­al­ly elim­i­nate vot­er rep­re­sen­ta­tion in grass­roots Amer­i­can education.

If you click on the two links in Rees’s let­ter they both take you to a web­page where you can sign a pledge. Warn­ing: This site acts for your cell phone num­ber so that they can send you text alerts. Here is Exhib­it B — what the page looks like when you go to sign up:

Exhibit B: Pledge webpage HERE

Exhib­it B: Pledge web­page HERE

Nina Rees, Pres­i­dent and CEO of the Nation­al Alliance for Pub­lic Char­ter Schools, did not get her lead­er­ship posi­tion push­ing for char­ter schools by mis­take. Ms Rees has an exten­sive back­ground with the Her­itage Foun­da­tion, and there is no excuse for her to not know what she is doing in lead­ing our nation off the cliff with tax-fund­ed char­ter schools with their unelect­ed boards (tax­a­tion with­out rep­re­sen­ta­tion), part of the pub­licly-fund­ed pri­vate edu­ca­tion agen­da. Read more about her at my blog­post from June.

Char­ter Schools will destroy our Amer­i­can form of gov­ern­ment. As Reed Hast­ings, CEO of Net­flix, stat­ed very openly:

Well, that all comes down to gov­er­nance. A char­ter school is gen­er­al­ly non-prof­it and the board-mem­bers pick the new board-mem­bers. It’s called “self-per­pet­u­at­ing gov­er­nance.” They’re not elect­ed by the gen­er­al public.

Watch this for your­self. This is why the char­ter agen­da is so dangerous: 

Net­flix CEO. Reed Hastings
Keynote Speak­er, CCSA Con­fer­ence 2014
Cal­i­for­nia Char­ter Schools Association

Get informed! Read the tran­script and get more infor­ma­tion about this cri­sis from my arti­cle “Char­ters Kill True Choice.”