Bundy Family at Sky Harbor Airport (PHX) Treated as DOMESTIC TERRORISTS

Ammon Bundy This morn­ing (Novem­ber 1, 2014) my twelve year old daugh­ter and I tried to fly to Salt Lake City from Phoenix for a spe­cial event of a loved one. We had to be there by 1:00 pm in order to be a part of the occa­sion. Every­thing was going as planned until we […]

STOP the Pacific Crest Trail Land Grab

Pacific Crest Trail Proposal Seeks to Steal Your Lands Stew­ards of the Sequoia are peo­ple who enjoy all types of recre­ation includ­ing: Off Road Vehi­cles, Moun­tain Bikes, Horse Rid­ing, Hik­ing, Hunt­ing, Fish­ing, Camp­ing, Wind­surf­ing, Boat­ing, Rock Climb­ing and more.…. See Stew­ards “Who We Are” video. We put our time and sweat into the trails we love […]

Dianne Feinstein proposes California national monuments

Piece by piece, filling in the Wildlands Network, and closing off America to Americans   Sen. Dianne Fein­stein relaunched a pro­pos­al to cre­ate two nation­al mon­u­ments on more than 1 mil­lion acres across the Cal­i­for­nia desert, say­ing her revised bill would set aside sev­er­al areas for off-road vehi­cles and ener­gy projects while pre­serv­ing oth­er areas […]

District Court Strikes Down Endangered Species Protections For Exceeding The Scope Of Federal Power

This after­noon (Novem­ber 5, 2014) a dis­trict court in Utah held that the fed­er­al pro­hi­bi­tion against “tak­ing” Utah prairie dogs — list­ed as “threat­ened” under the Endan­gered Species Act — exceeds the scope of fed­er­al pow­er under the Com­merce and Nec­es­sary and Prop­er claus­es. Here is how Judge Dee Ben­son sum­ma­rized his con­clu­sion in Peo­ple for the […]

The Common Core Charter School Agenda

“The elec­tion is over. What next?” Exhib­it A: Let­ter from Nina Rees, 11/6/14 The char­ter school agen­da is crank­ing up into high gear. This quote at the top was in the “Sub­ject” line of an e‑mail from Nina Rees of the Nation­al Alliance for Pub­lic Char­ter Schools sent today (11/6/14). This is the planned agen­da for […]