Smart Cities: Understanding the Untapped Value of Sensor Data

Technology leaders in three cities imagine how they would harness Chicago’s innovative sensor pilot in their communities This fall, Chica­go will install a net­work of 40 sen­sors to dis­cov­er how new data sets can inform deci­sions that make the city a bet­ter place to live. The Array of Things ini­tia­tive will begin with devices being […]

Common Core Coffin

The Final Nail in the Edu­ca­tion Coffin See Pro­posed Bal­lot Propo­si­tions at the New York Board of Elec­tions website: TAXPAYERS APPROVE TWO BILLION DOLLARS FOR NEW YORK’S SKINNERIAN SMART SCHOOLS (AND COMMUNITIES!). This is the FINAL NAIL in the cof­fin of brain-based edu­ca­tion and true local con­trol. As C.S. Lewis quipped, “When train­ing beats […]