Malleable Minds Fit for an Affirmative State Designed to Meet Needs and Constrain the Ruled

We actu­al­ly do not have to infer what kinds of minds and per­son­al­i­ties and beliefs are suit­able for these new visions of tomor­row. One advo­cate telling­ly used this quote from Napoleon that “There are but two pow­ers in the world, the sword, and the mind. In the long run the sword is always beat­en by […]

Programmed Instruction: The Next Generation

Day 12: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Like a Bad Hor­ror Movie — Skin­ner’s BACK!!! More his­to­ry you aren’t sup­posed to know.…  Just like a bad B‑rated hor­ror film, B.F. Skin­ner’s Pro­grammed Instruc­tion con­tin­ues through the decades — rerun, rein­vent­ed, rein­tro­duced, repack­aged and re-named — as an inte­gral part Amer­i­can’s reform engine. Skin­ner is the METHOD that dri­ves the whole […]

UN October Summit Reopens Grab for Global Internet Control

Accord­ing to a recent report by the French news orga­ni­za­tion Agence France-Presse, “US offi­cials are pledg­ing to fight a fresh effort to give a UN agency author­i­ty to reg­u­late the Inter­net, two years after a huge diplo­mat­ic bat­tle over the issue.” The AFP sto­ry refers to the upcom­ing Plenipo­ten­tiary Con­fer­ence in Busan, South Korea, of the […]


DAY 9: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files HISTORY YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO KNOW! And par­ents con­tin­ue to mess around fight­ing Com­mu­nist Core? Should­n’t they instead be focus­ing on killing tax-fund­ed fake school “choice” which is the vehi­cle to con­trol not just stu­dents, but adults as well, under UNESCO’s agen­da: Lim­it­ed Learn­ing for Life­long Labor. What the fed­er­al gov­ern­ment funds […]

Carbon Scam by UN and World Bank Behind “Genocidal” Land Grabs

Under the guise of fight­ing “cli­mate change,” Unit­ed Nations and World Bank “car­bon” pro­grams in Africa are lead­ing to mas­sive land grabs, the forced relo­ca­tion of indige­nous peo­ple at gun­point, and even what some crit­ics are call­ing “cul­tur­al geno­cide.” Now, a coali­tion of activist orga­ni­za­tions is demand­ing an end to the con­tro­ver­sial UN-linked plots that […]

Your Child, the “Organism”

Day 10: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files More His­to­ry You Aren’t Sup­posed to Know… THE pres­i­den­tial­ly appoint­ed Nation­al Coun­cil for Edu­ca­tion­al Research (NCER) issued two “Poli­cies on Mis­sions for Edu­ca­tion­al Research and Devel­op­ment Cen­ters,” dat­ed June 14 and Octo­ber 25, 1984, short­ly after region­al hear­ings had been held regard­ing the need for reg­u­la­tions to imple­ment the Pro­tec­tion of Pupil […]

Antarctic Sea Ice at Record High, but Global-warming Doomsayers Unimpressed

A report post­ed by the Nation­al Snow & Ice Data Cen­ter (NSIDC) on Octo­ber 7 stat­ed: “Sea ice in Antarc­ti­ca has remained at satel­lite-era record high dai­ly lev­els for most of 2014.” The report not­ed that dur­ing the peri­od between Sep­tem­ber 10 and Sep­tem­ber 22 very rapid late-sea­son ice growth in Antarc­ti­ca pushed the total sea […]

Teaching Machines and Programmed Learning

Day 8: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Teach­ings Machines => Computers Comput­ers have become the per­fect vehi­cle for those who want to imple­ment soci­etal oper­ant con­di­tion­ing meth­ods on the chil­dren and pop­u­lace. These change agents desire to break down human behav­ior into the low­est com­mon denom­i­na­tor, and mea­sure it bit by bit via con­di­tioned respons­es desired (or required) […]

Skinner’s Incarnations

Day 6: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files “Please do not for­get for one moment that OBE is mas­tery learning/direct instruc­tion. The only dif­fer­ence between OBE and Direct Instruc­tion is that OBE had very bad, out­ra­geous… out­comes, and direct instruc­tion has… those peanut but­ter-and-jel­ly-sound­ing phon­ics outcomes.” – Char­lotte Iser­byt, cir­ca 1998, p. A‑156 the delib­er­ate dumb­ing down of america  

Parallel Reconstruction

Judge Andrew P. Napolitano While the polit­i­cal com­men­ta­tors in the nation’s cap­i­tal are wrapped up in the debate over what to do about ISIS, and as one third of the Sen­ate and near­ly all mem­bers of the House cam­paign for re-elec­tion, the president’s spies con­tin­ue to cap­ture mas­sive amounts of per­son­al infor­ma­tion about hun­dreds of […]

A Deliberate Math Dumb Down?

DAY 7: The Skin­ner Hor­ror Files The Influ­ence of Thorndike Lives On.…   Edward Thorndike“Thorndike intro­duced the con­cept of reinforcement.” Beware! When the media mouth­piece for the neo­con­ser­v­a­tive edu­ca­tion agen­da (The Wall Street Jour­nal) uses words “true mas­tery” and “prac­tice,” par­ents MUST under­stand that “they” are rec­om­mend­ing use of the Skin­ner­ian Direct Instruc­tion although “they” obvi­ous­ly aren’t going […]

Teachers reprimanded for speaking out against Common Core

Lousisiana Gov­er­nor Bob­by Jindal Louisiana Repub­li­can Gov. Bob­by Jin­dal blast­ed reports Tues­day that teach­ers are being rep­ri­mand­ed for speak­ing out against Com­mon Core stan­dards on social media. A teacher in Rapi­des Parish, in Alexan­dria, La., was “writ­ten up” for writ­ing a neg­a­tive post on Face­book about the con­tro­ver­sial stan­dards, accord­ing to Town Talk. “This is a […]

What Is Direct Instruction?

Day 5: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Skin­ner Trou­bles with Direct Instruction/Mastery Learning The fol­low­ing blog post is an excerpt from Appen­dix XXV of my book the delib­er­ate dumb­ing down of amer­i­ca. It is the sec­ond of a two-part alert series in the late 1990s that com­prised this par­tic­u­lar appen­dix. This is the best sum­ma­ry of what exact­ly […]

Why Constructivism and Direct Instruction will Damage Your Child’s Brain – Part 3

A Couple Loose Analogies Pic­ture total­i­tar­i­an­ism on one end of a scale and anar­chy on the oth­er. Both have issues but for dif­fer­ent rea­sons. Total­i­tar­i­an­ism is like Cap­i­tal “D.I.” Direct Instruc­tion where they attempt Pruss­ian style edu­ca­tion of forc­ing knowl­edge into heads. Here’s your task, repeat it. Con­struc­tivism is akin to anar­chy. Anar­chy always always […]

Who’s Who and What’s What

Day 4: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files The Next Gen­er­a­tions of Pro­grammed Instruction This post is a his­to­ry les­son tak­en direct­ly out of my book the delib­er­ate dumb­ing down of amer­i­ca, Appen­dix XXV. This appen­dix has two alerts that were sent out in the late 1990s that warned about how Skin­ner’s form of oper­ant con­di­tion­ing edu­ca­tion (the orig­i­nal […]

Why Constructivism and Direct Instruction will Damage Your Child’s Brain – Part 2

In the Schools Today 2004 was my piv­otal year. My old­est was in 3rd grade and I dis­cov­ered that Alpine School Dis­trict was no longer teach­ing the times tables or long divi­sion to chil­dren and hadn’t for at least 3 straight years. What in the world was happening? Alpine and sev­er­al oth­er dis­tricts had part­nered […]

Hooking Children to Computers

Day 3: The Skin­ner Hor­ror Files Pro­grammed Instruc­tion: An Introduction Exhib­it 1, p. 163 Exhib­it 1 is from a 1971 text­book Psy­chol­o­gy Applied to Teach­ing by Robert F. Biehler (Houghton Mif­flin Co., Boston). This pho­to illus­trates the ear­ly use of Skin­ner’s PROGRAMMED INSTRUCTION in the class­room using a “teach­ing machine” com­put­er. In order to under­stand what has […]

Failure to pass US surveillance reform bill could still curtail NSA powers

If the Senate doesn’t pass the USA Freedom Act after the midterm elections, a key section of the Patriot Act could expire Two members of the US House of Representatives are warning that a failure to pass landmark surveillance reform will result in a far more drastic curtailment of US surveillance powers – one that […]

Your Car’s Phone System Recording All Sounds In Your Vehicle While You Drive

Your car is lis­ten­ing to your every word and record­ing it in the man­u­fac­tur­ers per­ma­nent database It’s so excit­ing to pur­chase a new car and sync your smart device up to it so you can make calls while on the road. Near­ly every new car comes equipped with inte­grat­ed on-board com­put­ing to make your dri­ving […]

Why Constructivism and Direct Instruction will Damage Your Child’s Brain – Part 1

Sac­ri­lege! Direct Instruc­tion is bad??? By the end of this 3 part arti­cle I hope to explain what I mean by this before my home­school and char­ter school friends storm the cas­tle, though they do have some­thing to ponder. Back­ground: What Moti­vates Us I recent­ly lis­tened to a book on tape called “Dri­ve,” by Daniel Pink. […]

The Skinner Horror Files

31 Days of B.F. Skin­ner Hor­ror Stories   Because so much edu­ca­tion reform rests upon Skin­ner’s meth­ods and ide­olo­gies, it is time to tell the truth. The next 31 days this blog will be post­ing cur­rent and his­tor­i­cal infor­ma­tion about the true nature of Skin­ner’s “edu­ca­tion” that has been foist­ed upon our nation’s children. “I […]

America’s Electronic Police State

Big Broth­er is not only watch­ing, but gath­er­ing more power The mod­ern sur­veil­lance state is referred to as an elec­tron­ic police state because it uses tech­nol­o­gy to mon­i­tor peo­ple in order to detect and pun­ish dis­sent. The author­i­ties exert social con­trol through spy­ing, harsh law enforce­ment, and by reg­u­lat­ing “priv­i­leges” such as the abil­i­ty to trav­el. […]

Leave it to Bill!

Day 2: The Skin­ner Hor­ror Files It depends on what the mean­ing of the word “char­ters” ‘is’… Salon arti­cle pub­lished HERE Here are excerpts from the Salon arti­cle above: Bill Clin­ton weighed in on the debate over char­ter schools this week, warn­ing that the pub­licly fund­ed yet autonomous schools must keep their “orig­i­nal bar­gain” if they want […]

Cookie Cutter Common Core & Private Education Part II: WAKE UP, CATHOLICS

(And all oth­ers with chil­dren in pri­vate & reli­gious education!) Read Part 1   By Bet­sy Kraus, 3D Research Group UNESCO: WORLDWIDE STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR ALL EDUCATION The U.N. (Unit­ed Nations) advo­cates Com­mu­nist Com­mon Core edu­ca­tion for all stu­dents on this plan­et, no mat­ter the reli­gion and no mat­ter whether the school is pub­lic or […]