Far-reaching “Waters of the United States” rule could be the most significant EPA regulation you have never heard about: opinion

In 1972, Con­gress enact­ed the Clean Water Act (CWA) to “restore and main­tain the chem­i­cal, phys­i­cal, and bio­log­i­cal integri­ty of the Nation’s waters.” The fed­er­al gov­ern­men­t’s legal author­i­ty to reg­u­late water is large­ly derived from the Con­sti­tu­tion’s Com­merce Clause, which the­o­ret­i­cal­ly lim­its the gov­ern­men­t’s juris­dic­tion to the type of nav­i­ga­ble water­ways where such com­merce occurs. Sad­ly, […]

PA Senate Amends Buffer Rule that Represented the Worst Sort of Government

A win for the little guy  Government’s role is to serve the peo­ple.  Amer­i­ca is a peo­ple with a gov­ern­ment, not a gov­ern­ment with a peo­ple. The people—their needs, their inter­ests, their rights—come first in all things. Our Con­sti­tu­tion pro­hibits gov­ern­ment behav­ior that is arbi­trary, capri­cious, abu­sive, or uncom­pen­sat­ed tak­ing of pri­vate prop­er­ty, among others. […]

Washington State Protects Endangered Gophers Better than Cops, Citizens

Third in a series on new ESA list­ing. Part Four will be pub­lished on Octo­ber 28, 2014. Do Wash­ing­ton State offi­cials believe that threat­en­ing exces­sive force against peace­ful cit­i­zens is jus­ti­fied if a rodent’s life may be in dan­ger?  Or that rodents have more rights and deserve more pro­tec­tion than under­staffed cops and the cit­i­zens they protect? […]