“The ‘Skinner Box’ School”

Day 19: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files “…to con­trol a child’s atti­tudes and values it is first nec­es­sary to mod­i­fy the child’s behav­ior.” “Par­ents have been told that Out­come-Based Edu­ca­tion has noth­ing to do with chang­ing the atti­tudes and val­ues of their children;  that OBE will improve learn­ing for all chil­dren through “best-prac­tices” research. What par­ents are not […]

The Making of a Mexico-to-Canada Wolf Corridor – Part 2

W. R. McAfee The South­west is the area where Cana­di­an and Mex­i­can wolves most­ly like­ly will meet and cross­breed. Accord­ing to USFWS doc­u­ments, the Mex­i­can wolf’s inbreed­ing con­tributes to small lit­ter sizes and low pup-sur­vival rates. Cross-breed­ing with the non-native Cana­di­an wolves would “solve” the Mex­i­can wolf’s gene pool prob­lem.  Call it a “nonessen­tial exper­i­men­tal […]

Press Release – Updated Secret Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP) – IP Chapter (second publication)

Thurs­day 16 Octo­ber 2014, Wik­iLeaks released a sec­ond updat­ed ver­sion of the Trans-Pacif­ic Part­ner­ship (TPP) Intel­lec­tu­al Prop­er­ty Rights Chap­ter. The TPP is the world’s largest eco­nom­ic trade agree­ment that will, if it comes into force, encom­pass more than 40 per cent of the world’s GDP. The IP Chap­ter cov­ers top­ics from phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals, patent reg­is­tra­tions and […]

Wolves as Stalking Horses

Jim Beers is a retired Refuge Man­ag­er, Spe­cial Agent, & Wildlife Biol­o­gist U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service The talk below on wolves, and their “reintroduction” by federal bureaucrats, was given at a Town Forum in Dorris, California, on May 18, 2014. Mr. Beers handed out copies of  his prepared remarks, published below. Jim Beers is […]

Libertarians Can’t Leave Their Love of Toll Roads

Polls reveal that Amer­i­cans oppose tolling. It has tak­en awhile to get there, but the anti-tolling move­ment is get­ting trac­tion now. Reason’s Robert Poole rec­og­nizes the threat grass­roots anti-toll move­ment orga­ni­za­tions like Ter­ri Hall’s TURF pos­es to the tax­pay­er-sub­si­dized tolling indus­try that was spawned over­seas decades ago, pri­mar­i­ly in social­ist Europe. Ter­ri Hall, a Texas […]

Propagandizing the K-12 Classroom to Create Desired Worldviews for Change: the New Anti-Bias Standards

If we think of the Com­mon Core as a buck­et or a ban­ner instead of pre­tend­ing it is about the trans­mis­sion of knowl­edge, its func­tion becomes much clear­er. All the changes that would cause an out­cry if pur­sued sep­a­rate­ly, and in many cas­es already have cre­at­ed wide­spread pop­u­lar rejec­tion, get to Come on Down Any­way […]