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Charlotte Thomson IserbytDAY 14: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files

Direct from the horse’s mouthhorse mouth

It is always to be kept in mind that these principles 
are quite in con­trast to “rote learn­ing” or drill.

In rote learn­ing, many wrong respons­es are per­mit­ted to occur,
and the stu­dent even­tu­al­ly learns to devel­op his own prompts
often to a rel­a­tive­ly unre­lat­ed series of stimuli.

Pro­grammed learn­ing, on the oth­er hand,
is designed to take advan­tage of the inher­ent orga­ni­za­tion of the sub­ject matter
or of the behav­ior of the sub­ject in rela­tion to the sub­ject matter
in shap­ing up the student’s learning.”
~Robert Glaser

The quo­ta­tion above is proof pos­i­tive. Par­ents and teach­ers have been mis­led — delib­er­ate­ly lied to — by the neo­con­ser­v­a­tive lead­er­ship push­ing the Skin­ner method and pas­sage of the Read­ing Excel­lence Act. They have been told over a peri­od of thir­ty years that Skin­ner­ian Direct Instruc­tion and Mas­tery Learn­ing are mere­ly rote learn­ing or drill! I myself have had the expe­ri­ence of that excuse (lie) thrown in my face on numer­ous occa­sions. No won­der my book Back to Basics Reform or OBE Skin­ner­ian Inter­na­tion­al Cur­ricu­lum was boy­cotted from 1985 to the present.

The neo­con­ser­v­a­tive Right lead­er­ship, in bed with the hard Left glob­al­ists and the cor­po­ra­tions, needs the Skin­ner method for the Sovi­et poly­tech work­force train­ing; i.e., using our “trained” chil­dren to spin off prof­its for the glob­al elite!

The state­ment by Pro­fes­sor Robert Glaser at the top of this post is evi­dence doc­u­ment­ing that Skin­ner­ian Direct Instruction/Mastery Learn­ing is NOT sim­ple rote learn­ing. Glaser him­self is very clear that the Skin­ner method denies the very free­dom which comes with rote learn­ing. Lest the skep­ti­cal read­er thinks that this quote was tak­en out of con­text, read the fol­low­ing excerpt from Pro­grammed Learn­ing: Evolv­ing Prin­ci­ples and Indus­tri­al Appli­ca­tions (1961), which includ­ed Glaser’s “Prin­ci­ples of Programming”:

GlaserPutting the Stu­dent on His Own
The next point is called “fad­ing or van­ish­ing.” Thus far it has been indi­cat­ed that pro­gram­ming tech­niques uti­lize the prin­ci­ple of rein­force­ment, the prin­ci­ple of prompt­ing. The next one we come to is the prin­ci­ple of fad­ing or van­ish­ing. This prin­ci­ple involves the grad­ual removal of prompts or cues, so that by the time the stu­dent has com­plet­ed the les­son, he is respond­ing only to the stim­u­lus mate­r­i­al which he will actu­al­ly have avail­able when he per­forms the “real task.” He is on his own, so to speak, and learn­ing crutch­es have been elim­i­nat­ed. Fad­ing can then be defined as the grad­ual with­draw­al of stim­u­lus sup­port. The sys­tem­at­ic pro­gres­sion of pro­grammed learn­ing is well set up to accom­plish this. It is always to be kept in mind that these prin­ci­ples are quite in con­trast to “rote learn­ing” or drill. In rote learn­ing, many wrong respons­es are per­mit­ted to occur, and the stu­dent even­tu­al­ly learns to devel­op his own prompts often to a rel­a­tive­ly unre­lat­ed series of stim­uli. Pro­grammed learn­ing, on the oth­er hand, is designed to take advan­tage of the inher­ent orga­ni­za­tion of the sub­ject mat­ter or of the behav­ior of the sub­ject in rela­tion to the sub­ject mat­ter in shap­ing up the student’s learn­ing. [bold added to text of paragraph] 

Essen­tial back­ground on Pro­fes­sor Robert Glaser and his role in pas­sage of the Read­ing Excel­lence Act which calls for the use of Skin­ner­ian Direct Instruc­tion and Mas­tery Learn­ing can be found in the blog post “Your Child, the “Organ­ism”: Day 10: Skin­ner Hor­ror Files: More His­to­ry You Aren’t Sup­posed to Know…” Read it to under­stand the sig­nif­i­cance of this man and his agenda.

This blog post is excerpt­ed, updat­ed and adapt­ed for blog post­ing from Appen­dix III of my book the delib­er­ate dumb­ing down of amer­i­ca, p. A‑16. Read it in its entire­ty for fac­tu­al infor­ma­tion, direct from the hors­es’ mouths, that tells the truth about the dif­fer­ence between rote learn­ing and Skin­ner­ian Pro­grammed Instruc­tion. (The quote under the image above comes from Glaser’s New York Times obit­u­ary.)